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You could've added me to this clip, but you didn't. I don't care much for the pixels but more so a way to kill time. A lot of people will tell you I do giveaways and I hook mates and randoms all the time. Believe it or not I lost all my pkp and items to Adamzor and all I had left was my custom. Otherwise I would've given you something! The constant beggars are annoying but I do try help people when I can. 

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13 minutes ago, cyifly said:

You could've added me to this clip, but you didn't. I don't care much for the pixels but more so a way to kill time. A lot of people will tell you I do giveaways and I hook mates and randoms all the time. Believe it or not I lost all my pkp and items to Adamzor and all I had left was my custom. Otherwise I would've given you something! The constant beggars are annoying but I do try help people when I can. 

I don't see why you'd want to..

This was a bad attempt on "testing the Roat Pkz community" if you were to give PKP to all the 200 begging players you'd have nothing for yourself, and besides this guy tried like 5-6 people this is so inaccurate 

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11 hours ago, PK Guy said:

Since the streets of this server are rampant with beggars, it doesn't make someone greedy to tell a random person to fuck off LOL. 

If you want to test the community just trust trade random people some PKP and ask for it back. You will find your answer after 1 trade.

Ty , for the great idea

11 hours ago, Yoobs said:

It's not being greedy if you don't give a random person begging you for items actual items. Personally 7/10 server help requests are people saying "Please back me i lost pkp at duel!!" and it's just annoying as fuck there's no way i'd give someone items who asked me for them lmao.


And yes you are true I bet , but just wanted to make a different video after years :D

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14 hours ago, Castial said:

I mean it sucks that some of them ignored you, and merely didn't just say "nah man I'm poor sorry". However at the end of the day I wouldn't call them greedy for not handing out pkp toward someone they don't know, maybe they can't afford it, etc.

Cool video though.  

yes +1

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