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Everything posted by genj

  1. Loc is fifa 16 ps3
  2. These excuses are shit, take the L and move on.
  3. Pretty sure u can drink 2x brew sips same time as u combo eat, u dont combo eat with smth that heals like a shrimp man wtf
  4. D4rg0nSunBoi ronthskape king
  5. Idk how useful people are ingame but everyones got a decent amount of playtime. We could use some more mods so it isnt jblind and smackd that has to do all the dirty work all the time.
  6. fr l0l im surprised this shit doesnt get boring for them
  7. Didnt bother reading but if you dont like toxicity then get off the internet lmfao
  8. This is why no1 takes roat serious thanks for the vid arun
  9. Took you long enough to find out bro. stop responding to givenchy, he most likely wanks to his own comments.
  10. Nothing to apologise for. just stop giving out dates and make a topic with the features you added once you actually release the client.
  11. Bruh, g unit really taking over after i let em out their leash.
  12. Fuck off cunt, not like your posts are any better
  13. genj

    Xbox 360

    Ps3 gang where u at
  14. Another jefPRODUCTION quality video lad
  15. The fuck are you on?
  16. Why are you so defensive about g unit lol, its a clan full of shitty tribrids that gets around by telling eachother theyre good when hitting 0-0 ags gmauls on 115 hp
  17. Im quitting roat so i thought its time to finally reveal my bank to you guys. 2 years of hard roat dedication, pvming pking and secretly staking Hope u all have a good time and see you in 2 years when new client is released
  18. Looty my love, welcome back. We now have a new client so I hope u start again <3 cus i rly miss u :c
  19. gang gang gang fuck niggas we the most feared the most hated WE DA BEST put some respek on #jadlords pussy bitches
  20. Imagine posting one kill topic about arun, in pretty sure he dies daily to g unit
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