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Staff Promotions 12/07/2015


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Hello fellow RoatPkz players and staff, Yoobs here with the newest promotions. These are players who we felt performed exceptionally well either in-game or on forums. I sincerely wish you all good luck. Please welcome the following player(s) to the RoatPkz Staff Team!

B A T (Harley) - has been promoted to Forum%20Mod%20Crown.gifForum Moderator.


Edited by Yoobs
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Harley is a full on wasteman. 

Wouldn't be any other way.

can u infract yourself for already having 258 posts

Legit checked if I could infract myself, and I can't lmao.

3rd time he's been forum mod now? LOl

Yh. It's my calling in life bruv. Just gets away from me sometimes.

Ayyy Gz Again

Thx u :3

Long overdue, Gratz :D

Thanx u m8o. :D

Edited by Harley
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Congrats a7e :D

Thx u a7e.. :D

Congratulation make us proud . :)

I'll make you proud, but only u :3


Thanks u v much Pk.

Give it a month he'll resign

That was global doe, and that was a whole other cluster phuck.

congratulations Harley. Please don't resign :(

Time can only tell :o

Got replaced by a 10 yr old aussie, wheres my rope kid.


Nah, aha, good luck big back barbie king, you deserve it.

I can give u the rope if u really want it.. Thx for the luck doe, much appreciated. :3

Gz! :D

Thx u Amy.. :D 



Thanks u bb :)

Congrats Harley! forum king forum mod :camel: 

Couldn't say it any better myself.

gz king harley and bat 

Thx u #King Taylor..

Congrats Harley! BEST PLAYER ALIVE <3

Idk bout that, I mean, Hemmi80 is a pretty sick lad.

Well deserved, congrats!

Thanks man. :)

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