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Everything posted by Aqeelxo

  1. yeah def improvements, lol at the 75 to 1 gmaul, keep it up
  2. Damn nice bank, especially the custom. I'll achieve that soon
  3. holy crap, thats crazy. Congrats
  4. Aqeelxo

    sad news

    lmaooo this beef between them is so funny
  5. lmao can't believe what i just saw on a raps forums
  6. This was good tho, just keep improving
  7. Very good video. I disagree with some people. I enjoy watching the looting and not just the action all the time. Also, don't make it to edited but also keep it kinda raw pking which is very enjoyable to watch. Overall good video and I know you'll keep improving so dont worry.
  8. Smh ya'll need to just get this whole thing settled
  9. Aqeelxo


    welcome dude, look forward to seeing you in game and pking with ya
  10. Congrats! Can't believe you got that before super donar lolll
  11. Gz on the win, aside from that, the vid itself was really sick man. Good work !
  12. support the message pop ups to be removable
  13. lmaoooo can't believe you made a cake hahaha
  14. or just blood barrage with mage gear cuz you won't lose your hp lol, so why the armadyl armor ?
  15. Keep it up, I suggest quitting duel arena before you get cleaned
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