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Everything posted by Aelin

  1. Aelin

    Battlefield 1

    SMFC atm edit: A- ESEA, but playing PUBG mostly recently
  2. idk, from my perspective it's better for someone lazy to only have to use their mouse than to have to move your hand to your keyboard to type ::kit X. I just scroll it down to my kits and keep it there anyway :P. feature is just another convenience though, so +1
  3. EDIT: BOTH SETS SOLD. http://prntscr.com/fde9ms Selling 1 set 300k pkt, as per ::prices. PM me in-game or reply to this post.
  4. As an edit, it's pretty good; sync could be much better, though.
  5. Aelin

    Television shows

    didn't say what you've already seen, so I'll just list a bunch: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead (imo not as good anymore), Vikings, Sherlock, Lost (great for the first few seasons), Lucifer and the Marvel ones (Daredevil, for example, is amazing)...
  6. Aelin

    Ps4 games

    l0l then don't play SP games all the time, add people on Steam & be a casual like your friends and play console - problems solved. Accepting payments through PayPal.
  7. Aelin

    Ps4 games

    Ah, fair enough, consoles are very mainstream (or at least were for some time). I'll also add Overwatch to that list, never played it but it's the big thing at the moment xD.
  8. Aelin

    Ps4 games

    But why do you want to play on a console in the first place? If it's for the controller, get one for your PC and you'll have a much better experience. The only reason I can think of to play on console is if the PC port for that game is awful. Nevertheless, I'd say: GTA V, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed series, Halo, Destiny (is supposed to be better now). I honestly don't play much aside from CS:GO, but I'd say these are good choices.
  9. Aelin

    Ps4 games

    >has a $1400 gaming PC >asks what games he should play on PS4
  10. Aelin

    Ps4 games

    Get a good PC. GTA V 100%, though.
  11. 7 barrage KO, maging with dboots/defender/fcape and cropped off inv... are there no rules against this level of blatant shitposting? reddit worthy stuff.
  12. Aelin

    Stupid thread

    Simple: disregard mathematical convention. yw
  13. Aelin

    Other games

    Cheers , I'm on the Global grind. Wouldn't be me, I have the nick on a few RSPS's but I'm inactive on all but Roat.
  14. Aelin

    Other games

    CS:GO is the main game I play (SMFC & A- ESEA); I play Roat only when too tired for CS.
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