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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/19 in Posts

  1. https://gyazo.com/e63dcfd257a91331fe2b1f0a251a8b3e
    5 points
  2. Yh it’s funny to be a faggot
    2 points
  3. Still funnier than xex
    2 points
  4. Welcome to Roadrage!The ultimate Multi PK domination clan. We are based off of respect and loyalty. No spies or bsers. Loyalty brings Royalty. Your rankings will upgrade with how well you do as a leader and team-mate to the clan. Application: o What is the main priority when in a war or fighting another clan? [ Answer here ] o What is your current RoatPkz Display Name? [ Answer here ] o Do you plan on joining RoadRage? [ Answer here ] o What are your previous clans? [ Answer here ] o What is your Discord userid?: [ Answer here ] o What's your KDR? [ Answer here ] o Any experience in multi clan PKing? If so tell us a bit about it. [ Answer here ] o Age? & Name. The name is not mandatory. We are all about privacy. [ Answer here ] o How active are you? o What's your current bank value? Not mandatory. [ Answer here ] o What role would you like to play as? Example: TBer, Range Tank etc o When did you start PKing/Multi PKing? [ Answer here ] Discord IS Mandatory so we have full communication as well as being able to get to know one another. A TANK Test will be mandatory PM VIA forums or in-game to OWNERS - Suckie, Death Dream - Co-Owner - N S P T S D We're looking forward to seeing you! For more information, add me on Discord (August#9597) or pm me here. Good luck!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. bought this little hot hatchback golf 7 R what a machine!! 310 bhp To my friends on roatz asking to post this on forums here it is: )) ps: dunno if im in the good section
    1 point
  7. xbrhz before clicking this topic;
    1 point
  8. Fucking legend 😈😤💯💯
    1 point
  9. U dont pk so it’s literally pointless
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. omg my nigga swats!!! whats good! fuck all u guys that think thats actually me. dumb fucks
    1 point
  12. Australia wins again...
    1 point
  13. guessing your another ugly duck irl
    1 point
  14. Good suggestion bro, but we already have a clan chat kick command ::::clan::kick::name so 4,2,2. hope this helps and have a good one sir. @SneakR
    1 point
  15. isaiah stop avoiding me
    1 point
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