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PK Guy

Royal Donator
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Everything posted by PK Guy

  1. So this is the dude that received 2 heron pets within 20mins after many people tried unsuccessfully for 20 hours? Well done sir. And welcome to Roat Pkz the home of PKing (and now skilling)
  2. I feel like I'm on Roat 24/7 (at least it seems to be constantly on my mind). Yet apparently I'm actually only on a bit over an hour a day, on average + forums (appeals, reports handling). I guess I have a life after all? Thanks for all positive comments, mates!
  3. Yes, beta testers will be reset of course, no head starts. Date and time of level ups will be logged by the server. I think there will also be a public announcement in game via a global message when someone reaches 99, and it appears on our Discord feed just as Slayer currently does. Botting is prohibited as it breaks the existing rule of using 3rd party software to get unfair advantage. Maybe you will lose levels and skilling points if caught, who knows? 🤷🏿‍♂️
  4. Prices vary item to item, but on average you're looking at 1 - 3k PKP per dollar, depending what product you select and how much of it (bulk purchase = lower unit price). Raw PKP tickets are lesser in quantity/value as other items for the same cost, but the trade-off is you don't need to waste time selling the items or relying on lucky boxes - you get immediate cash in hand to buy what you really desire in-game. Contrary to popular belief, a custom item isn't purchased for $1000 at all, it is a FREE gift when your total spend reaches that milestone from other items (doesn't need to be in one go). As an example: 11x extreme tickets + 1x regular ticket = $1000 + FREE custom = ~ 2500k PKP. That's almost 10x what you thought! The reason the stock and prices are carefully set at their current rates is because we don't want the server to be too much pay2win (you will notice most donation rewards are mystery boxes or consumable tickets to unlock something). It is also to keep the eco in check, since so many new PKP and items enter the market through this way. We do have seasonal sales on at times, these are usually announced on forums and Discord so keep an eye out for them if you're looking for discounts. And finally we also accept OSRS gold (current rate: $0.90/mil) which will save you paying taxes if your country charges GST/ VAT, and of course we're accepting the GP at an above-market value right now so that's a bonus too.
  5. Demoted for using staff commands to cheat in duel arena. Just search the topic on here, he admitted to it. Now please apologise for calling me spastic. (Topic cleaned: 52 posts deleted )
  6. No ex-staff rank. They all got demoted for abuse of some kind. Disgraceful. Any one that says they resigned is a liar. No one relinquishes this much power. (Any comments in disagreement to this will be deleted)
  7. Fanta is #1 staff, always there to help, NEVER pk's though..!
  8. Good video , (didn't like the song).
  9. PK Guy

    Miss me boys

    Welcome back. You didn't tag me but you did tag Ahmash? I'm the knight and he's the squire. I sorted it, but don't let it happen again.
  10. PK Guy


    Maybe you can stop impersonating him on Discord now?
  11. Appreciate the feedback, please can you expand on the point of consistency? Not sure what you mean by it
  12. Very nice, thank you 👍🏿
  13. 6 months. Wow. Better off to do : https://forum.roatpkz.com/index.php?/register/
  14. B-b-but you said it's impossible to kill Jad solo and that it's dead content. Congrats on loot though!
  15. Eid Mubarak!!!!! Loc in-game event???
  16. Ty for bank @joe denk @Legend™ @Gretar or whoever you are. How does it feel? Don't mess with Dwight
  17. Cut my play during Ramadan, but Eid is middle of next week. And I'll be back
  18. No. New name = new account. You can't transfer your rank or PK stats.
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