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Gretar - Good owner been doing updates the players been voting for, however ignored a lot of messages. Even a reply with a period "." telling the player you actually looked at their suggestion and took it into consideration would be nice. Also needs to give newer active players a trail chance at SS, then eventually get rid of the inactive staff!

img%22Global Admin(s)
Ungrateful - Best staff member overall of all time.

Legend - Inactive, just looks at account recovery's/linked accounts. Thats equal to me "camping appeals/reports" - yoobs

Zoradz - Good worker glad to see you're admin finally keep up the work.

img%22Global Moderator(s)
Yoobs - Inactive you don't even 'camp appeals/reports'. worthless

img%22Player Moderator(s)
Smackd - Been doing a good job keep up the great work.

Bind u dead - You've been SS for 4.5+ months no reason why you shouldn't be MOD and you're active! They're treating you like Bride chucky atm.. (staffs being snakes)

img%22Forum Moderator(s)
John - Idk really

img%22Server Support(s)

Love Wings - Good but only see you on for around 30mins-2hours a day.

Ban152 - I've never seen you online in my life, even while I was admin I never seen your name around EVER.

John der - same thing with ban152

Suggestions for current staff members, and even suggestions for potentially new staff members are welcome, but must have valid, well explained reasons alongside the suggestion.

Spartacus666 - for SS very active player helps people in ::yell all the time overall doesn't flame/cause problems in the community. Great work Spartacus!

Pure Talent0 - for SS this player would be a great add to the SS team while bind U dead gets mod. Helps players in-game in his clan chat all the time he's online! Amazing work!



Desert ship - for SS very good pker and so helpful. Hope ur $$ soon!

Edited by Ungrateful
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24 minutes ago, Kevin said:

so am i but it's not nice to lie to people, so i just speak the truth.

There is a difference between lying to people and hiding the truth, if he had told the truth at the time he would of been demoted earlier, now he has nothing to lose.

Also it wouldn't be classed as lying as this is just his opinion, he just never shared his opinion before.

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1 hour ago, Kevin said:

funny how when you get demoted you start speaking your mind, but when you were still staff you just sucked gretars dick.

he dint get demoted he resigned, not many ppl kno or understand why but the main reasons were he was busy irl and the staff team disliked him for accepting appeals of ppl they abused

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Yoobs locked this topic
2 hours ago, JJ said:

bind u dead is shit and doesnt deserve mod when he gets easily heated and flames like abu from aladdin

1 hour ago, Hamito said:

Can't take criticism??

Where do you even see him flaming in that post?

Are you retarded?

Literally the both of you just spend your lives trying to harass Bind U Dead its actually getting pretty sad, especially you Hamito. You sit around and make accounts like Bind U Paki and Bind U Isis and tbh its just really getting pathetic. This may be a staff feedback thread but what JJ posted really isn't any remotely valid feedback its just "bind u dead is shit and doesn't deserve mod" Tell him how he can improve and tell him what he could do to change not just talk shit about him. If you and Hamito keep carrying on with this sad behavior you will both be macbanned from the game. All the staff have noticed how the both of you are acting towards Bind U Dead so either cut your shit or i will personally see to getting you both removed from the game.

1 hour ago, Bind U Dead said:

Last warning for you, talk shit more and you're getting content moderated. Don't act that you're above the rules.

Its a feedback thread there allowed to post there opinions but i wouldn't even classify this as any sort of feedback or constructive criticism its just tears. I would personally tell you to keep up the good work and be as active as possible, if anyone deserves to be mod next its you.

Fyi locking this thread this is not remotely rational staff feedback its just a stupid thread from a wannabe white knight ex-staff member.

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