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Clue Scroll Guide (::clueguide)


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  • JBLIND pinned this topic
6 hours ago, goat said:


Clue Scroll Guide


Content of this topic

  • General Information
  • Example of Setup
  • Hot 'n' Cold Information
  • Coordinate Step Information
  • Mimic
  • Easy Clue Guide
    • Easy Clue Information
    • Easy Clue Items
    • Easy Clue Levels
    • Question and Answer Step
    • Coordinate Step
    • Search For An Object 
    • Look 'n' Dig
  • Medium Clue Guide
    • Medium Clue Information
    • Medium Clue Items
    • Medium Clue Levels
    • Question and Answer Step
    • Coordinate Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Look 'n' Dig
  • Hard Clue Guide
    • Hard Clue Information
    • Hard Clue Items
    • Hard Clue Levels
    • Question And Answer Step
    • Coordinate Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Look 'n' Dig
  • Elite Clue Guide
    • Elite Clue Information
    • Elite Clue Items
    • Elite Clue Levels
    • Question And Answer Step
    • Coordinate Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Look 'n' Dig
  • Master Clue Guide
    • Master Clue Information
    • Elite Clue Items
    • Elite Clue Levels
    • Question And Answer Step
    • Coordinate Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Look 'n' Dig


General Information

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Clues was released May 24 2020 with other QoL updates to the game.


Uri, The Clue Master, can be found ingame by doing ::clues
Uri have a few options, including a shop.
In the shop you can find:

The Clue Box is used to save your clue incase you get killed in wilderness.
Strange Device is used during Hot 'n' Cold Step, which will lead you to the location of the place to dig to find your next
step or finishing the clue.

All Clue Steps have to be done in wilderness, so don't bring unnecessary items with you.
There's plenty of spawn items that can help you with tanking PKers in wilderness to make you survive and finish the clue safely.


Mandrith can be found outside Resources Area. He is used for Question And Answer Step from Easy to Hard clues.

How to find him:
Use Edge Lever south of ::home/::tp
Follow the orange line shown below and it will lead you directly to him.

Be aware you will enter Level 51 Wilderness, so remember to bring food incase PKers are out.


Agility Tutor

There's two Agility Tutors ingame. There's one at ::agility and one at Wilderness Agility Training Area.


The one at ::agility doesn't work for when you have Question And Answer Step.
You will have to enter wilderness to complete your Question And Answer Step.
By doing that you will enter the Red Portal, which will teleport you to Level 52 Wilderness. - So be aware of PKers.


Once you have entered, you will find the correct Agility Tutor just walking around there. 
This NPC is only for Elite and Master Question And Answer Steps.
Take in mind if you answer the question wrong by mistyping the correct answer, you will have a minute cooldown untill
you can answer the question again. 

Example of Setup

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There's plenty of different setups to use. You will have to make your own setup, so it fits your clue grind. 
Depending on how big your bank is, more likely you are to have better gear. - But as mentioned in General Information don't bring unnecessary risk.

Example of how a cheap setup could look like:

You can always change the setup, so it fits your own grind.
This one is only for tanking and you can change the individual items, so you can afford it or want better gear.

The 3 free items slots is so you can quickly take out different items if you need it for a certain step or fill it with more food.
Otherwise you can make a setup that also have PKing gear in it. Everyone have their own taste of their setup.

Hot 'n' Cold Information

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When you get a "Buried beneath the ground, who knows where it's found." You have gotten a Hot n' Cold step.
You will have to get a Strange Device from Uri at ::clues to complete this step. Depending on which clue you have, it depends on how deep in wilderness it is.
So for the "easier" clues, it will be on lower wilderness level and higher for "higher" clues.

When your Strange Device says "Ice cold" means you are far away for place to dig and it will say "hotter" or "colder" than before.
It have to say "Visibly Shaking" and you can dig at the spot.

Coordinate Step Information

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If you are having trouble finding the correct spot for your coordinate step, then do ::dataon
It will open you different information about your game information, such as fps, ping and your exact coordination position.

Look at the "Coords" for your position - it will change every time you move north, south, east and west.
Then walk towards your clue coordination step.

Another way of finding your coordination step, is simply by clicking on the map beside your minimap.
This will give you the option to open the world map.

This will give you the option to open the world map.

Put in the clue coordination, as showed on the map to find your correct location of your clue.


  Reveal hidden contents

While completing Elite or Master Clues, there's a 10%-ish chance of receiving a Mimic Casket.
This will give you a chance of fighting the Mimic boss, which has a 1/100 chance of dropping a 3rd Age Equipment item.

If you get the Mimic Casket, you will prepare for the fight.
When you are prepared for the Mimic boss fight, you will have to enter the boss fight by "Search" on the Strange Casket at ::clue.


Once you enter the Mimic boss room, make sure you have Protect From Melee on since Mimic basic attack is melee attacks.
The Mimic will spawn 3 Warriors in 3rd Age gear, Range, Magic & Melee. Don't waste your time attacking those, focus on Mimic.


Mimic other special attack will be throwing out candy, which you just have to avoid.

Easy Clue Guideimage.png.174d186ca1650bb42c23995f7a066336.pngimage.png.0d26ab877fcdf1486da41d085cfd0add.png

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Easy Clue Information

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Easy Clue doesn't have the best rewards. But they is pretty easy to do and only a few steps per clue to complete them.
There will be 2-4 steps in a Easy Clue. 

As shown in picture below there is some items, which is considered as the "rare" items from Easy Clue.
Those is what make Easy Clue worth it to do and profitable, unless you decide to keep to turn into a Master Clue.


Easy Clue Items

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- Abyssal Tentacle
- Ahrim's Hood
- Ahrim's Robeskirt
- Ahrim's Robetop
- Archer Ring (i)
- Archers Ring
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Bandos Boots
- Bandos Chestplate
- Dharok's Greataxe
- Dharok's Helm
- Dharok's Platelegs
- Dragon Boots
- Dragon Chainbody
- Dragon Full Helm
- Dragon Platelegs
- Dragon Scimitar
- Dragon Sq Shield
- Eternal Boots
- Guardian Boots
- Guthan's Chainskirt
- Guthan's Helm
- Hood of Darkness
- Infinity Top
- Karil's Coif
- Karil's Leatherskirt
- Kharil's Leatherskirt
- Malediction Ward
- Malediction Ward
- Necklace of Anguish
- Obsidian Helmet
- Obsidian Platebody
- Odium Ward
- Pegasian Boots
- Ranger Boots
- Ring of Suffering (i)
- Robin Hood Hat
- Saradomin Godsword
- Saradomin's Blessed Sword
- Seers Ring
- Spiked Manacles
- Teacher Wand
- Torag's Helm
- Torag's Platebody
- Verac's Brassard
- Verac's Flail
- Verac's Helm
- Verac's Plateskirt

Easy Clue Levels

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Cooking Level - 15
Mining Level - 30
Fishing Level - 20
Woodcutting Level - 1
Smithing Level - 15

Question And Answer Step

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How many Thieve Stalls is there at ::home? 2

How many Donator Ranks are there? 4

What's the Highest Donator Rank called? Legendary 

What year did Roat Pkz launch? 2011

Which NPC sells an Armadyl GodswordMazchna

Coordinate Step

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Location: Southwest of ::graves
Coordination: 3122, 3609

Location: East of ::graves - North of Level 19 obelisk
Coordination: 3227, 3679

Location: Chaos Temple - North of ::varock
Coordination: 3253, 3627

Location: Northeast of Chaos Temple - ::champ and around the lava
Coordination: 3273, 3651

Location: East of ::champ
Coordination: 3342, 3637

Location: ::East
Coordination: 3373, 3673

Location: Southeast of ::champ
Coordination: 3320, 3590

Location: Northeast of ::varrock
Coordination: 3292, 3558

Location: Northwest of Pure Pking
Coordination: 3037, 3554

Location: Northwest of ::hills
Coordination: 3057, 3577

Search For An Object

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Look for a Dead Tree at level 6 Wilderness
Location: North of ::hills

Look for a Crate at level 14 Wilderness
Location: Inside of ::darkcastle

Look for a Rock at level 7 Wilderness
Location: North of ::hills

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: Chaos Temple - North of ::varrock

Location: South of ::graves - Level 13 obelisk

Location: East of ::hills

Location: Westside of Bandit Camp - North of ::darkcastle

Location: South of ::graves

Location: Other side of ::champ

Location: South of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery

Location: East of ::west

Location: Westside of Bandit Camp - North of ::darkcastle


Medium Clue Guideimage.png.c5d5509cfcaa1c1edd33031a88ee0795.pngimage.png.8f65233937ea7af12f01ce872dfbfe89.png

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Medium Clue Information

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Medium Clue droptable is similar to Easy Clues - Only a few good rewards, but worth it if you end up getting them.
There ain't a lot of steps to completing your Medium Clue, only 3-5 steps in a Medium clue.

As shown in picture below there is some items, which is considered as the "rare" items from Medium Clue.
Those is what make them worth it to do and profitable, unless you decide to keep the clue and turn it into a Master Clue.

Medium Clue Items

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- Abyssal Dagger (p++)
- Abyssal Tentacle
- Ahrim's Robetop
- Amulet of Fury
- Archers Ring
- Archers Ring (i)
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Crossbow
- Armadyl Helmet
- Bandos Godsword (or)
- Berserker Ring
- Berserker Ring (i)
- Blessed Spirit Shield
- Dark Bow
- Dark Infinity Hat
- Dharok's Platelegs
- Dragon Crossbow
- Eternal Boots
- Gloves of Darkness
- Hood of Darkness
- Infinity Boots
- Infinity Bottoms
- Infinity Hat
- Infinity Top
- Master Wand
- New Crystal Shield
- Obsidian Helmet
- Obsidian Platebody
- Obsidian Platelegs
- Occult Necklace (or)
- Pegasian Boots
- Ranger Boots
- Rangers' Tunic
- Robe Bottom of Darkness
- Robe Top of Darkness
- Robin Hood Hat
- Saradomin Godsword (or)
- Seers Ring (i)
- Spiked Manacles
- Spirit Shield
- Staff of Light
- Torag's Platebody
- Tormented Bracelet
- Trident of the Seas (Full)

Medium Clue Levels

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Fishing Level - 20
Cooking Level - 30
Woodcutting Level - 1
Mining Level - 15
Smithing Level - 30

Question And Answer Step

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How many Trees can be found at ::woodcutting? 21

How many Skilling Points does an Infernal Harpoon cost? 250K

How many Teleport Charges does Enchanted Gem give per task? 8

Which NPC sells the Skilling Capes? Skilling Master

What's the Highest Amount of days you can rehab yourself? 7

Coordinate Step

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Location: West of ::graves
Coordination: 3109, 3692

Location: West of ::chins - Hobgoblins
Coordination: 3062, 3759

Location: ::graves
Coordination: 3155, 3676

Location: Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery
Coordination: 2988, 3734

Location: Entrance to Corporeal Beast - East of ::graves
Coordination: 3203, 3687

Location: Near Venenatis - Northwest of ::east
Coordination: 3282, 3728

Location: Venenatis - Northwest of ::east
Coordination: 3311, 3741

Location: West of ::east
Coordination: 3259, 3710

Location: East of ::chins - Northwest of ::east
Coordination: 3254, 3759

Location: North of ::revs
Coordination: 3063, 3714

Search For An Object

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Look for a Rock at level 29 Wilderness
Location: East of ::cemetery (Entrance to GWD dungeon)

Look for a Create at level 24 Wildernes
Location: South of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery

Look for a Barrel at level 22 Wilderness
Location: Bandit Camp - Northwest of ::revs

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: South of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery

Location: West of ::east

Location: West of ::chins - Hobgoblin mine

Location: East side of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery

Location: Northwest corner of Bandit Camp - ::revs and northwest

Location: Outside of Bandit Camp - ::revs and north

Location: North of ::east

Location: South of ::chins


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Hard Clue Information

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Hard Clue have a lot to bring to the table compared to Easy and Medium Clues. Here you will be able to receive 3rd Age items. 
Of course the higher difficulty of Clue the higher requirements there will be, including items. But you got to risk it to make the profit.
Hard Clue have between 4-6 steps to complete your Clue.

As shown in the picture below there's a lot of different rares on the Hard Clue droptable.
These is what make Hard Clue especially worth it to do, unless you decide to keep the Clue and turn it into a Master Clue.

Hard Clue Items

  Reveal hidden contents

- 3rd Age Kiteshield
- Amulet of Fury
- Amulet of Fury (or)
- Amulet of Torture
- Amulet of Torture (or)
- Ancient Wyvern Shield
- Archers Ring
- Armadyl Chainskirt
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Godsword
- Armadyl Godsword (or)
- Armadyl Helmet
- Bandos Boots
- Bandos Chestplate
- Bandos Tassets
- Boots of Darkness
- Bronze Dragon Mask
- Dark Bow
- Dragon Boots
- Dragonfire Ward
- Eldritch Nightmare Staff
- Eternal Boots
- Granite Maul
- Hood of Darkness
- Infinity Bottoms
- Infinity Hat
- Infinity Top
- Inquisitor's Hauberk
- Katana
- Light Ballista
- Master Wand
- Necklace of Anguish (or)
- Obsidian Platebody
- Obsidian Platelegs
- Occult Necklace
- Occult Necklace (or)
- Pegasian Boots
- Ring of Suffering (i)
- Robe Bottom of Darkness
- Robe Top of Darkness
- Samurai Greaves
- Slayer Helmet (i)
- Spectral Spirit Shield
- Spirit Shield
- Volatile Nightmare Staff
- Zamorakian Spear

Hard Clue Levels

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Cooking Level - 80
Woodcutting Level - 75
Smithing Level - 50
Agility Level - 52
Mining Level - 55

Question And Answer Step

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How much cooking experience does cooking a Shark give in a Safe Zone? 840

How many PK Points can be cased out from 100 Skilling Points? 10

How many charges can the Abyssal Tentacle hold? 1500

Which key can reward you Dagon'Hai Robes? Slayer Key

How many ores are located at ::mining? 46

Coordinate Step

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Location: South of Demonic Ruins, near Callisto (Annakarl Teleport, Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3309, 3821

Location: North of ::chins
Coordination: 3148, 3795

Location: East of ::chins (Vet'ion)
Coordination: 3206, 3772

Location: Chaos Altar - South of ::44s
Coordination: 2966, 3816

Location: South of ::chins
Coordination: 3185, 3755

Location: Entrance to northern revs cave - North of ::chins
Coordination: 3123, 3832

Location: Hobgoblin mine - West of ::chins
Coordination: 3101, 3763

Location: Southeast of ::44s
Coordination: 3031, 3811

Location: Southwest of Demonic Ruins (Annakarl Teleport - Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3241, 3838

Search For An Object

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Look for a Dead Tree at level 41 Wilderness
Location: Southeast of ::44s - Close to KBD Cage

Look for a Rock at level 47 Wilderness
Location: North of Lava Maze - ::44s and run northeast

Look for a Crate at level 47 Wilderness
Location: Demonic Ruins (Annakarl Teleport - Ancient Spellbook)

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: North of Venenatis - Northwest of ::east

Location: South of Lava Dragon Isle - ::chins and northeast

Location: Near Callisto - Southwest of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: North of ::chins

Location: Deep Wilderness Chaos Altar - South of ::44s

Location: Entrance to Lava Maze - Southeast of ::44s

Location: North of ::chins - Chins revs entrance

Location: Southeast of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)


Elite Clue Guideimage.png.c8f665f2d15a9a6ee3f7407367a104b1.pngimage.png.4be036532c458ced5bd7b434a1173031.png

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Elite Clue Information

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Elite Clue is the second best Clue to do. You have the chance of receiving Infernal Cape and a lot of different 3rd Age items.
You will meet the higher requirements here both skilling and item requirements. But will it be worth it? Certainly.
Elite Clue have 5-7 steps to completing your Clue and getting the Casket.

As shown in the picture below, there's a lot of different rares on the Elite Clue Droptable.
Taking the risk to receiving the potential reward is especially worth it, unless you decide to keep the Clue and turn it into a Master Clue.

Elite Clue Items

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- 3rd Age Amulet
- 3rd Age Kiteshield
- 3rd Age Range Top
- Abyssal Dagger (P++)
- Abyssal Tentacle
- Amulet of Fury (or)
- Amuley of Fury
- Ancestral Hat
- Arcane Spirit Shield
- Armadyl Chainskirt
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Crossbow
- Armadyl Helmet
- Bandos Chestplate
- Berserker Ring (i)
- Black Leprechaun Hat
- Blade of Saeldor
- Blessed Spirit Shield
- Bucket Helm (g)
- Crier Bell
- Dark Infinity Bottoms
- Dark Infinity Top
- Dragon Crossbow
- Dragon Hunter Crossbow
- Dragon Warhammer
- Eternal Boots
- Guardian Boots
- Harmonised Nightmare Staff
- Heavy Ballista
- Inquisitor's Mace
- Iron Dragon Mask
- Kodai Wand
- Light Infinity Hat
- Light Infinity Top
- Light Trousers
- Mage's Book
- Mummy's Body
- Mummy's Head
- Necklace of Anguish
- Occult Necklace (or)
- Odium Ward
- Primordial Boots
- Ring of Suffering (i)
- Saradomin Godsword
- Seers Ring (i)
- Shoulder Parrot
- Slayer Helmet
- Tanzanite Helm
- Tome of Fire

Elite Clue Levels

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Thieving Level - 85
Fishing Level - 82
Mining Level - 70
Woodcutting Level - 75
Smithing Level - 70

Question And Answer Step

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What is the name of the NPC residing east of the Wildy Agility Course? Darren

How many Pirates are inside of the Pirate Hut? 10

How many Scorpions are outside Scorpion Cave? 6

How many Saradomin Mages are inside Mage Arena? 3

Coordinate Step

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Location: Callisto Area - South of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3295, 3861

Location: Lava Mountain - East of ::50s
Coordination: 3367, 3930

Location: Lava Dragon Isle
Coordination: 3231, 3842

Location: Westside of Wilderness Agility Course
Coordination: 2984, 3964

Location: Mage Arena - ::mb
Coordination: 3085, 3926

Location: Inside Pirates' Hideout - West of ::mb (Need lockpick to get inside)
Coordination: 3041, 3954

Location: East of Wilderness Agility Training Area
Coordination 3018, 3962

Location: Wilderness Agility Training Area
Coordination: 3005, 3953

Location: Fountain of Rune - East of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3376, 3893

Location: East of Demonic Ruins (Annakarl Teleport)
Coordination: 3312, 3873

Search For An Object

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Look for a Dead Tree at level 43 Wilderness
Location: Southwest of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Look for a Rock at level 47 Wilderness
Location: Fountain of Rune - Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook) and run east

Look for a Barrel at level 51 Wilderness
Location: Southwest of ::mb

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: Lava Mountain - Northeast of ::50s

Location: South of Lava Maze - Southeast of ::44s

Location: Deep Wilderness Dungeon - Southwest of ::mb to enter (mb stairs)

Location: Rogues' Castle - ::50s

Location: Demonic Gorillas - North of ::44s

Location: Scorpion Pit - ::50s and northwest


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Master Clue Information

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Serveral different kind of steps towards completing a master clue.
There will be 6-8 steps in a master clue.

Another way of obtaining Master Clues is by handing in the other 4 different tiers of clues to Uri at ::clues.
By handing all the other 4 clues in at same time, Uri will give you a Master Clue instead.

Master Clue Items

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- 3rd Age Axe
- 3rd Age Cloak
- 3rd Age Druidic Cloak
- 3rd Age Pickaxe
- 3rd Age Range Top
- Abyssal Bludgeon
- Ale of the Gods
- Amulet of fury (or)
- Ancestral Hat
- Ancestral Robe Bottom
- Ancestral Robe Top
- Ankou Mask
- Archers Ring
- Bandos Chestplate
- Bandos Tassets
- Blade of Saeldor
- Blue Halloween Mask
- Crier Coat
- Dark Bow
- Elder Chaos Hood
- Eternal Boots
- Gharzi Rapier
- Gilded Boots
- Gilded Full Helm
- Gilded Plateskirt
- Goblin Mask
- Gold Scarf
- Gold Spectacles
- Guardian Boots
- Heavy Ballista
- Light Infinity Bottoms
- Light Infinity Hat
- Light Infinity Top
- Mummy's Body
- Mummy's Legs
- Necklace of Anguish
- Neitiznot Faceguard
- Occult Necklace
- Odium Ward
- Seers Ring (i)
- Serpentine Helm
- Staff of Light
- Tome of Fire
- Tormented Bracelet
- Tormented Bracelet (or)
- Trident of the Seas
- Volatile Nightmare Staff

Master Clue Levels

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Thieving Level - 95

Agility Level - 52

Mining Level - 85

Smithing Level - 85

Woodcutting Level - 75

Fishing Level - 85

Cooking Level - 90

Question And Answer Step

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How many unicorns are in the wilderness? 12

How many green dragons are in wilderness? 30

How many black nights are in the wilderness? 11

How many fishing spots are there in the wilderness? 9

Coordinate Step

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Location: Center of obelisk at ::50s
Coordination: 3307, 3916

Location: Southwest of Wilderness Agility Training Area
Coordination: 2970, 3908

Location: South of ::44s
Coordination: 2985, 3850

Location: Southeast of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3354, 3844

Location: Inside of Scorpion Pit Cave - Between the middle- and northeast entrance
Coordination: 3238, 10351

Location: West of ::mb - Near the anvil
Coordination: 3064, 3951

Location: Westside of Edge Lever - At the tree directly west of lever
Coordination: 3141, 3928

Location: South of Pirates Hut, mb stairs - ::mb and southwest
Coordination: 3046, 3922

Location: Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3281, 3886

Location: Spiders Hill - North of ::chins or West of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3169, 3887

Search For An Object

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Look for a Barrel at level 56 wilderness
Location: Broken Pirateship east of wilderness agility

Look for a Crate at level 52 wilderness
Location: Rogues Castle - Crate beside second door on eastside

Look for a Rock at level 51 wilderness
Location: East of ::50s

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: Fountain of Rune - Annakarl Teleport and east (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: Northeast of ::44s - Runite Ores

Location: Trees near mb stairs - ::mb and southwest

Location: Entrance to Wilderness Agility Training Area

Location: Pirates' Hideout - West of ::mb

Location: Lava Dragon Isle - West of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)






now go open ur caskets noob ass

  • Nice 1
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3 hours ago, Saybow said:

image.png.5bbe1b245189299b7e91cb5ecf36f4b8.png i cant find the exact location to that clue, maybe someone else had it and knows where to search? Need Help :) its a Medium Clue scroll

not a search clue. You wear all those items and go to scorpion pit w/ pk skull and use the "Scared" EMOTE. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • goat changed the title to Clue Scroll Guide (::clueguide)

Clue Guide have been updated and upgraded!

General Information
- More detailed

Pictures been updated
- More detailed
- More location orientated 

Emote Steps been added to all clues
Check out each invidual clues when you aren't sure of locations or what items to wear.

Hot n Cold locations have been added to all clues
A popular step to receive and one of the steps that can take time to figure out the exact location to dig.

Pictures are in order from lowest wilderness to highest in each section

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On 11/20/2020 at 12:26 PM, goat said:


Clue Scroll Guide


Content of this topic

  • General Information
  • Example of Setup
  • Mimic
  • Scrolls (Skip & Skill Boost)
  • Easy Clue Guide
    • Easy Clue Information
    • Easy Clue Items
    • Easy Clue Levels
    • Question and Answer Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Coordinate Step 
    • Look 'n' Dig
    • Emote Step
    • Hot 'n' Cold Step
  • Medium Clue Guide
    • Medium Clue Information
    • Medium Clue Items
    • Medium Clue Levels
    • Question and Answer Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Coordinate Step 
    • Look 'n' Dig
    • Emote Step
    • Hot 'n' Cold Step
  • Hard Clue Guide
    • Hard Clue Information
    • Hard Clue Items
    • Hard Clue Levels
    • Question and Answer Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Coordinate Step 
    • Look 'n' Dig
    • Emote Step
    • Hot 'n' Cold Step
  • Elite Clue Guide
    • Elite Clue Information
    • Elite Clue Items
    • Elite Clue Levels
    • Question and Answer Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Coordinate Step 
    • Look 'n' Dig
    • Emote Step
    • Hot 'n' Cold Step
  • Master Clue Guide
    • Master Clue Information
    • Elite Clue Items
    • Elite Clue Levels
    • Question and Answer Step
    • Search For An Object
    • Coordinate Step 
    • Look 'n' Dig
    • Emote Step
    • Hot 'n' Cold Step


General Information

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Clues were released May 24 2020 with other QoL updates to the game.

Uri, The Clue Master, can be found ingame by doing ::clues
Uri has a few options, including a shop.
His other feature is that you can hand in Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite clue to him in exchange you will receive a Master Clue.

In the shop you can find:

Spade is used for Coordinate Step, Look 'n' Dig and Hot 'n' Cold steps.

Strange Device
Strange Device is only used for Hot 'n' Cold steps to figure out the location your step is located at.
So when you receive a clue step that says "Buried beneath the ground, who knows where it's found." you have received a Hot 'n' Cold step.

When your Strange Device says "Ice Cold" means you are far away from your digging location and you will have to move closer. In chat the Strange Device will say "Hotter" or Colder" than before when using it.

It will have to say "Visibly Shaking" and you are at the correct location to dig.

Clue Box
The Clue Box is used to save your clue incase you get killed in wilderness.
Strange Device is used during Hot 'n' Cold Step, which will lead you to the location of the place to dig to find your next step or finishing the clue.

All Clue Steps have to be done in wilderness, so don't bring unnecessary items with you.
There's plenty of spawn items that can help you with tanking PKers in wilderness to make you survive and finish the clue safely.

Mandrith can be found outside Resources Area. He is used for Question And Answer Step from Easy to Hard clues.

How to find him:
Use Edge Lever south of ::home/::tp
Follow the orange line shown below and it will lead you directly to him.

Be aware you will enter Level 51 Wilderness, so remember to bring food incase PKers are out.


Agility Tutor
There's two Agility Tutors ingame. There's one at ::agility and one at Wilderness Agility Training Area.

The one at ::agility doesn't work for when you have Question And Answer Step.
You will have to enter wilderness to complete your Question And Answer Step.
By doing that you will enter the Red Portal, which will teleport you to Level 52 Wilderness. - So be aware of PKers.


Once you have entered, you will find the correct Agility Tutor just walking around there.
This NPC is only for Elite and Master Question And Answer Steps.


Take in mind if you answer the question wrong by mistyping the correct answer, you will have a minute cooldown untill you can answer the question again.

Example of Setup

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There's plenty of different setup to use for your clue grinding. So therefor you will have to make your own setup, so it fits your clue grind. Depending on the size of your bank, it varies on what you can afford for gear. But remember, don't bring unnecessary risk since all clue steps in located in wilderness.

Example of two setups:
Expensive                                                                                    Cheap


You can change the two setup as you like, so it fits your own grind. Those is mostly for tanking and you can change the individual items, as you can afford different items or want to use better gear.

The 3 free inventory slots is so you can quickly take out different items from bank as you need for the different clue steps or fill it with more food.

Otherwise you can make a setup, so you will have PK gear in it. Everyone have their own taste for setup, so feel free to test out different setup to find your liking!


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While completing Elite or Master Clues, there's a 10%-ish chance of receiving a Mimic Casket.
This will give you a chance of fighting the Mimic boss, which has a 1/100 chance of dropping a 3rd Age Equipment item.

If you get the Mimic Casket, you will prepare for the fight.
When you are prepared for the Mimic boss fight, you will have to enter the boss fight by "Search" on the Strange Casket at ::clue.

Once you enter the Mimic boss room, make sure you have Protect From Melee on since Mimic basic attack is melee attacks.
The Mimic will spawn 3 Warriors in 3rd Age gear, Range, Magic & Melee. Don't waste your time attacking those, focus on Mimic.

Mimic other special attack will be throwing out candy, which you just have to avoid.

Scrolls (Skip & Skill Boost)

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Skip Scrollimage.png.a9891efad71ab315debda31cb050fe2a.png
Skip Scroll is made for clues, it can be used on a desired clue scroll to skip a step.
You'll be able to skip certain steps, if you don't have certain item requirement nor skilling level requirement to complete the step.
The scroll can only be used 2 times on a Clue Scroll. So not all 6-8 steps on a Master Clue Scroll.


Skill Boost Scrollimage.png.5bd169df20974cbeb1529accd25165a4.png
Skill Boost Scroll boost all of your non-combat skills by 25 levels, and the effect goes down by 1 level per minute.
This allows you to only train to X level to be able to mine, woodcut, smith or thieve and not train to the exact level, which means you have acces to higher tier skilling content.

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Easy Clue Information

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Easy Clue doesn't have the best rewards. But they is pretty easy to do and only a few steps per clue to complete them.
There will be 2-4 steps in a Easy Clue.

As shown in picture above there is some items, which is considered as the "rare" items from Easy Clue.
Those is what make Easy Clue worth it to do and profitable, unless you decide to keep to turn into a Master Clue.

Easy Clue Items

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- Abyssal Tentacle
- Ahrim's Hood
- Ahrim's Robeskirt
- Ahrim's Robetop
- Archer Ring (i)
- Archers Ring
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Bandos Boots
- Bandos Chestplate
- Dharok's Greataxe
- Dharok's Helm
- Dharok's Platelegs
- Dragon Boots
- Dragon Chainbody
- Dragon Full Helm
- Dragon Platelegs
- Dragon Scimitar
- Dragon Sq Shield
- Eternal Boots
- Guardian Boots
- Guthan's Chainskirt
- Guthan's Helm
- Hood of Darkness
- Infinity Top
- Karil's Coif
- Karil's Leatherskirt
- Kharil's Leatherskirt
- Malediction Ward
- Malediction Ward
- Necklace of Anguish
- Obsidian Helmet
- Obsidian Platebody
- Odium Ward
- Pegasian Boots
- Ranger Boots
- Ring of Suffering (i)
- Robin Hood Hat
- Saradomin Godsword
- Saradomin's Blessed Sword
- Seers Ring
- Spiked Manacles
- Teacher Wand
- Torag's Helm
- Torag's Platebody
- Verac's Brassard
- Verac's Flail
- Verac's Helm
- Verac's Plateskirt

Easy Clue Levels

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Cooking Level - 15
Mining Level - 30
Fishing Level - 20
Woodcutting Level - 1
Smithing Level - 15

Question and Answer Step

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How many Thieve Stalls is there at ::home? 2

How many Donator Ranks are there? 4

What's the Highest Donator Rank called? Legendary

What year did Roat Pkz launch? 2011

Which NPC sells an Armadyl Godsword? Mazchna

Search For An Object

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Look for a Dead Tree at level 6 Wilderness
Location: North of ::hills


Look for a Rock at level 7 Wilderness
Location: Northeast of ::hills


Look for a Crate at level 14 Wilderness
Location: Inside of ::darkcastle

Coordinate Step

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Location: Northeast of ::varrock
Coordination: 3292, 3558


Location: Northwest of Pure Pking
Coordination: 3037, 3554


Location: Northwest of ::hills
Coordination: 3057, 3577


Location: Southeast of ::champ
Coordination: 3320, 3590


Location: Southwest of ::ferox
Coordination: 3122, 3609


Location: Chaos Temple - Southwest of ::sc
Coordination: 3253, 3627


Location: East of ::champ / south of ::east
Coordination: 3342, 3637


Location: Northeast of Chaos Temple - ::sc and southeast
Coordination: 3273, 3651


Location: East of ::graves - North of Level 19 obelisk
Coordination: 3227, 3679


Location: ::East
Coordination: 3373, 3673

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: East of ::hills

Location: East of ::west

Location: Southeast of ::ferox - Level 13 obelisk

Location: Chaos Temple - Southwest of ::sc

Location: Eastside of ::ferox

Location: Westside of Bandit Camp - North of ::darkcastle

Location: ::sc

Location: South of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery

Location: Westside of Bandit Camp - North of ::darkcastle

Emote Step

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Location: The Bandit Camp at Level 23 Wilderness
Items: Saradomin's blessed sword, Torag's Helm and Dragon Boots
Emote: Jig

Location: The Lava Dragon Isle at Level 39 Wilderness
Items: Pegasian Boots, Dragon Sq Shield, Karil's Coif and Dragon Scimitar
Emote: Blow Kiss

Location: The Lava Dragon Isle at Level 39 Wilderness
Items: Spiked Manacles, Ahrim's Hood and Master Wand
Emote: Bow

Location: The Demonic Ruins Isle at Level 46 Wilderness
Items: Odium Ward and Guthan's Chainskirt
Emote: Goblin Bow

Hot 'n' Cold Step

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Location: West of ::hills

Location: Northeast of ::varrock


Medium Clue Guideimage.png.c5d5509cfcaa1c1edd33031a88ee0795.pngimage.png.8f65233937ea7af12f01ce872dfbfe89.png

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Medium Clue Information

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Medium Clue droptable is similar to Easy Clues - Only a few good rewards, but worth it if you end up getting them.
There ain't a lot of steps to completing your Medium Clue, only 3-5 steps in a Medium clue.

As shown in picture below there is some items, which is considered as the "rare" items from Medium Clue.
Those is what make them worth it to do and profitable, unless you decide to keep the clue and turn it into a Master Clue.

Medium Clue Items

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- Abyssal Dagger (p++)
- Abyssal Tentacle
- Ahrim's Robetop
- Amulet of Fury
- Archers Ring
- Archers Ring (i)
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Crossbow
- Armadyl Helmet
- Bandos Godsword (or)
- Berserker Ring
- Berserker Ring (i)
- Blessed Spirit Shield
- Dark Bow
- Dark Infinity Hat
- Dharok's Platelegs
- Dragon Crossbow
- Eternal Boots
- Gloves of Darkness
- Hood of Darkness
- Infinity Boots
- Infinity Bottoms
- Infinity Hat
- Infinity Top
- Master Wand
- New Crystal Shield
- Obsidian Helmet
- Obsidian Platebody
- Obsidian Platelegs
- Occult Necklace (or)
- Pegasian Boots
- Ranger Boots
- Rangers' Tunic
- Robe Bottom of Darkness
- Robe Top of Darkness
- Robin Hood Hat
- Saradomin Godsword (or)
- Seers Ring (i)
- Spiked Manacles
- Spirit Shield
- Staff of Light
- Torag's Platebody
- Tormented Bracelet
- Trident of the Seas (Full)

Medium Clue Levels

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Fishing Level - 30

Cooking Level - 40

Woodcutting Level - 1

Mining Level - 15

Smithing Level - 30

Question and Answer Step

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How many Trees can be found at ::woodcutting? 21

How many Skilling Points does an Infernal Harpoon cost? 250K

How many Teleport Charges does Enchanted Gem give per task? 8

Which NPC sells the Skilling Capes? Skilling Master

What's the Highest Amount of days you can rehab yourself? 7

Search For An Object

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Look for a Barrel at level 22 Wilderness
Location: Bandit Camp - Northwest of ::revs


Look for a Create at level 24 Wildernes
Location: South of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery


Look for a Rock at level 29 Wilderness
Location: East of ::cemetery (Entrance to GWD dungeon)

Coordinate Step

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Location: ::graves
Coordination: 3155, 3676

Location: Entrance to Corporeal Beast - East of ::graves
Coordination: 3203, 3687

Location: West of ::graves
Coordination: 3109, 3692

Location: West of ::east
Coordination: 3259, 3710

Location: North of ::revs
Coordination: 3063, 3714

Location: The Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery
Coordination: 2988, 3734

Location: Near Venenatis - Northwest of ::east
Coordination: 3282, 3728

Location: Venenatis - Northwest of ::east
Coordination: 3311, 3741

Location: West of ::chins - Near Hobgoblins
Coordination: 3062, 3759

Location: East of ::chins - Northwest of ::east
Coordination: 3254, 3759

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: West of ::east

Location: South of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery

Location: Northwest corner of Bandit Camp - ::revs and northwest

Location: Outside of Bandit Camp - ::revs and north

Location: North of ::east

Location: South of ::chins

Location: West of ::chins - Hobgoblin mine

Location: East side of Forgotten Cemetery - ::cemetery

Emote Step

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Location: The Dark Warriors Fortress at Level 14 Wilderness
Items: Bandos Godsword (or), Obsidian Platelegs, Obsidan Helmet and Ahrim's Robetop
Emote: Flap

Location: The Bandit Camp at Level 19 Wilderness
Items: Bandos Armadyl Helmet, Infinity Boots and New Crystal Shield
Emote: Salute

Location: The Forgotten Cemetery at Level 29 Wilderness
Items: Abyssal Tentacle and Amulet of Fury
Emote: Climb Rope

Location: The Scorpion Pit at Level 54 Wilderness
Items: Primordial Boots, Amulet of the Damned and Berserker Ring (i)
Emote: Dance

Location: The Scorpion Pit at Level 54 Wilderness
Items: Dark Bow, Obsidian Platebody, Dharok's Platelegs and Berserker Ring
Emote: Scared

Hot 'n' Cold Step

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Location: ::Champ

Location: Level 19 obelisk

Location: Bandit Camp - ::revs and northwest

Location: ::Gorillas


Hard Clue Guideimage.png.0654bc4d22ce520482385eeb1e9d22ef.pngimage.png.b039d8c57e5c8283547e0ae9a86c0c1f.png

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Hard Clue Information

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Hard Clue have a lot to bring to the table compared to Easy and Medium Clues. Here you will be able to receive 3rd Age items. 
Of course the higher difficulty of Clue the higher requirements there will be, including items. But you got to risk it to make the profit.
Hard Clue have between 4-6 steps to complete your Clue.

As shown in the picture below there's a lot of different rares on the Hard Clue droptable.
These is what make Hard Clue especially worth it to do, unless you decide to keep the Clue and turn it into a Master Clue.

Hard Clue Items

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- 3rd Age Kiteshield
- Amulet of Fury
- Amulet of Fury (or)
- Amulet of Torture
- Amulet of Torture (or)
- Ancient Wyvern Shield
- Archers Ring
- Armadyl Chainskirt
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Godsword
- Armadyl Godsword (or)
- Armadyl Helmet
- Bandos Boots
- Bandos Chestplate
- Bandos Tassets
- Boots of Darkness
- Bronze Dragon Mask
- Dark Bow
- Dragon Boots
- Dragonfire Ward
- Eldritch Nightmare Staff
- Eternal Boots
- Granite Maul
- Hood of Darkness
- Infinity Bottoms
- Infinity Hat
- Infinity Top
- Inquisitor's Hauberk
- Katana
- Light Ballista
- Master Wand
- Necklace of Anguish (or)
- Obsidian Platebody
- Obsidian Platelegs
- Occult Necklace
- Occult Necklace (or)
- Pegasian Boots
- Ring of Suffering (i)
- Robe Bottom of Darkness
- Robe Top of Darkness
- Samurai Greaves
- Slayer Helmet (i)
- Spectral Spirit Shield
- Spirit Shield
- Volatile Nightmare Staff
- Zamorakian Spear

Hard Clue Levels

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Cooking Level - 80

Woodcutting Level - 75

Smithing Level - 50

Agility Level - 52

Mining Level - 55

Question and Answer Step

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How much cooking experience does cooking a Shark give in a Safe Zone? 840

How many PK Points can be cased out from 100 Skilling Points? 10

How many charges can the Abyssal Tentacle hold? 1500

Which key can reward you Dagon'Hai Robes? Larrans Key

How many ores are located at ::mining? 46

Search For An Object

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Look for a Dead Tree at level 41 Wilderness
Location: Southeast of ::44s - Close to KBD Cage

Look for a Rock at level 47 Wilderness
Location: North of Lava Maze - ::44s and run northeast

Look for a Crate at level 47 Wilderness
Location: Demonic Ruins (Annakarl Teleport - Ancient Spellbook)

Coordinate Step

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Location: Southeast of ::chins
Coordination: 3185, 3755

Location: Hobgoblin mining area - West of ::chins
Coordination: 3101, 3763

Location: East of ::chins (Vet'ion)
Coordination: 3206, 3772

Location: North of ::chins
Coordination: 3148, 3795

Location: East of ::chins (Dwarf hill)
Coordination: 3255, 3795

Location: Southeast of ::44s
Coordination: 3031, 3811

Location: South of Demonic Ruins, near Callisto (Annakarl Teleport, Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3309, 3821

Location: Chaos Altar - South of ::44s
Coordination: 2966, 3816

Location: Entrance to northern revs cave - North of ::chins
Coordination: 3123, 3832

Location: Southwest of Demonic Ruins (Annakarl Teleport - Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3241, 3838

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: North of Venenatis - Northwest of ::east

Location: North of ::chins

Location: South of Lava Dragon Isle - ::chins and northeast

Location: Southeast of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: Deep Wilderness Chaos Altar - South of ::44s

Location: Near Callisto - Southwest of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: Entrance to Lava Maze - Southeast of ::44s

Location: North of ::chins - Chins revs entrance

Location: ::chins and north

Emote Step

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Location: The Dark Warriros Fortress at Level 14 Wilderness
Items: Eldritch nightmare staff and Armadyl Chainskirt
Emote: Rabbit Hopimage.thumb.png.2ed11f31c16c3ab85774df2f33d07e2c.png

Location: The Graveyard of Shadows at Level 19 Wilderness
Items: Katana, Bandos Chestplate and Bandos Boots
Emote: Think

Location: The Lava Dragon Isle at Level 39 Wilderness
Items: Dragonfire Ward, Armadyl Helmet and Amulet of Fury
Emote: Laugh

Location: The Demonic Ruins at Level 46 Wilderness
Items: Volatile Nightmare Staff and Eternal Boots
Emote: Climb Rope

Location: The Resource Area at Level 53 Wilderness
Items: 3rd Age Shield and Bronze Dragon Mask
Emote: Scared

Location: The Resource Area at Level 53 Wilderness
Items: Samurai Greaves, Dark Bow, Amulet of Fury and Dragon Boots
Emote: Dance

Hot 'n' Cold Step

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Location: Hobgoblins - ::chins and run west

Location: North of ::cemetery

Location: North of ::east - Venenatis


Elite Clue Guideimage.png.c8f665f2d15a9a6ee3f7407367a104b1.pngimage.png.4be036532c458ced5bd7b434a1173031.png

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Elite Clue Information

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Elite Clue is the second best Clue to do. You have the chance of receiving Infernal Cape and a lot of different 3rd Age items.
You will meet the higher requirements here both skilling and item requirements. But will it be worth it? Certainly.
Elite Clue have 5-7 steps to completing your Clue and getting the Casket.

As shown in the picture below, there's a lot of different rares on the Elite Clue Droptable.
Taking the risk to receiving the potential reward is especially worth it, unless you decide to keep the Clue and turn it into a Master Clue.

Elite Clue Items

  Reveal hidden contents

- 3rd Age Amulet
- 3rd Age Kiteshield
- 3rd Age Range Top
- Abyssal Dagger (P++)
- Abyssal Tentacle
- Amulet of Fury (or)
- Amuley of Fury
- Ancestral Hat
- Arcane Spirit Shield
- Armadyl Chainskirt
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Crossbow
- Armadyl Helmet
- Bandos Chestplate
- Berserker Ring (i)
- Black Leprechaun Hat
- Blade of Saeldor
- Blessed Spirit Shield
- Bucket Helm (g)
- Crier Bell
- Dark Infinity Bottoms
- Dark Infinity Top
- Dragon Crossbow
- Dragon Hunter Crossbow
- Dragon Warhammer
- Eternal Boots
- Guardian Boots
- Harmonised Nightmare Staff
- Heavy Ballista
- Inquisitor's Mace
- Iron Dragon Mask
- Kodai Wand
- Light Infinity Hat
- Light Infinity Top
- Light Trousers
- Mage's Book
- Mummy's Body
- Mummy's Head
- Necklace of Anguish
- Occult Necklace (or)
- Odium Ward
- Primordial Boots
- Ring of Suffering (i)
- Saradomin Godsword
- Seers Ring (i)
- Shoulder Parrot
- Slayer Helmet
- Staff of the Dead
- Tanzanite Helm
- Tome of Fire

Elite Clue Levels

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Thieving Level - 85

Fishing Level - 82

Mining Level - 70

Woodcutting Level - 75

Smithing Level - 70

Question and Answer Step

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What is the name of the NPC residing east of the Wildy Agility Course? Darren

How many Pirates are inside of the Pirate Hut? 10

How many Scorpions are outside Scorpion Cave? 6

How many Saradomin Mages are inside Mage Arena? 3

Search For An Object

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Look for a Dead Tree at level 43 Wilderness
Location: Southwest of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Look for a Rock at level 47 Wilderness
Location: Fountain of Rune - Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook) and run east

Look for a Barrel at level 51 Wilderness
Location: Southwest of ::mb

Coordinate Step

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Location: Lava Dragon Isle
Coordination: 3231, 3842

Location: Callisto Area - South of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3295, 3861

Location: East of Demonic Ruins (Annakarl Teleport)
Coordination: 3312, 3873

Location: Fountain of Rune - East of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3376, 3893

Location: Mage Arena - ::mb
Coordination: 3085, 3926

Location: Lava Mountain - East of ::50s
Coordination: 3367, 3930

Location: Inside Pirates' Hideout - West of ::mb (Need lockpick to get inside)
Coordination: 3041, 3954

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course
Coordination: 3005, 3953

Location: East of Deep Wilderness Agility Course
Coordination 3018, 3962

Location: Westside of Deep Wilderness Agility Course
Coordination: 2984, 3964

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: South of Lava Maze - Southeast of ::44s

Location: Demonic Gorillas - North of ::44s

Location: Deep Wilderness Dungeon - Southwest of ::mb to enter (Mage Bank Dungeon)

Location: Rogues' Castle - ::50s

Location: Scorpion Pit - ::50s and northwest

Location: Lava Mountain - Northeast of ::50s

Emote Step

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Location: The Chaos Temple at Level 38 Wilderness
Items: Dragon Warhammer, Spirit Shield and Hood of Darkness
Emote: Wave

Location: Lava Maze at Level 41 Wilderness
Items: Dragon Warhammer and Iron Dragon Mask
Emote: Bow

Location: Demonic ruins at Level 46 Wilderness
Items: Arcane Spirit Shield and Armadyl Crossbow
Emote: Wave

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course at Level 52 Wilderness
Items: Mummy's Head and Light Infinity Top
Emote: Jump for Joy

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course at Level 52 Wilderness
Items: Kodai Wand, Blessed Spirit Shield and Ring of Suffering (i)
Emote: Flap

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course at Level 52 Wilderness
Items: 3rd Age Amulet, Guardian Boots, Odium Ward and Armadyl Helmet
Emote: Think

Location: Resource Area at Level 53 Wilderness
Items: Harmonised Nightmare Staff and Light Infinity Hat
Emote: Angry

Location: Resource Area at Level 53 Wilderness
Items: 3rd Age Kiteshield, Abyssal Tentacle, Amulet of Fury and Primordial Boots
Emote: Beckon

Hot 'n' Cold Step

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Location: North of ::chins

Location: KBD Cage - ::44s and run east

Location: Fountain of Rune - Annakarl Teleport (Ancient spellbook) and run east

Location: Demonic Ruins - Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)


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Master Clue Information

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Serveral different kind of steps towards completing a master clue.
There will be 6-8 steps in a master clue.

Another way of obtaining Master Clues is by handing in the other 4 different tiers of clues to Uri at ::clues.
By handing all the other 4 clues in at same time, Uri will give you a Master Clue instead.

Master Clue Items

  Reveal hidden contents

- 3rd Age Axe
- 3rd Age Cloak
- 3rd Age Druidic Cloak
- 3rd Age Pickaxe
- 3rd Age Range Top
- Abyssal Bludgeon
- Ale of the Gods
- Amulet of fury (or)
- Ancestral Hat
- Ancestral Robe Bottom
- Ancestral Robe Top
- Ankou Mask
- Archers Ring
- Armadyl Chainskirt
- Armadyl Chestplate
- Armadyl Godsword
- Bandos Chestplate
- Bandos Tassets
- Blade of Saeldor
- Blessed Spirit Shield
- Blue Halloween Mask
- Crier Coat
- Dark Bow
- Dragon Boots (g)
- Dragon Claws
- Elder Chaos Hood
- Elder Maul
- Eternal Boots
- Gharzi Rapier
- Gilded Boots
- Gilded Full Helm
- Gilded Plateskirt
- Goblin Mask
- Gold Scarf
- Gold Spectacles
- Guardian Boots
- Heavy Ballista
- Light Infinity Bottoms
- Light Infinity Hat
- Light Infinity Top
- Mummy's Body
- Mummy's Legs
- Necklace of Anguish
- Neitiznot Faceguard
- Occult Necklace
- Odium Ward
- Primordial Boots
- Seers Ring (i)
- Serpentine Helm
- Staff of Light
- Tome of Fire
- Tormented Bracelet
- Tormented Bracelet (or)
- Thammaron's Sceptre (u)
- Trident of the Seas
- Volatile Nightmare Staff

Master Clue Levels

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Thieving Level - 95

Agility Level - 52

Mining Level - 85

Smithing Level - 85

Woodcutting Level - 75

Fishing Level - 85

Cooking Level - 90

Question and Answer Step

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How many unicorns are in the wilderness? 12

How many green dragons are in wilderness? 30

How many black nights are in the wilderness? 11

How many fishing spots are there in the wilderness? 9

Search For An Object

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Look for a Rock at level 51 wilderness
Location: East of ::50s

Look for a Crate at level 52 wilderness
Location: Rogues Castle - Crate beside second door on eastside

Look for a Barrel at level 56 wilderness
Location: Broken Pirateship east of wilderness agility

Coordinate Step

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Location: Southeast of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3354, 3844

Location: South of ::44s
Coordination: 2985, 3850

Location: Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3281, 3886

Location: Spiders Hill - North of ::chins or West of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Coordination: 3169, 3887

Location: Southwest of Wilderness Agility Training Area
Coordination: 2970, 3908

Location: Center of obelisk at ::50s
Coordination: 3307, 3916

Location: South of Pirates Hut, mb stairs - ::mb and southwest
Coordination: 3046, 3922

Location: Westside of Edge Lever - At the tree directly west of lever
Coordination: 3141, 3928

Location: West of ::mb - Near the anvil
Coordination: 3064, 3951image.png.30b745f8acc7520f9ba7d76c68e77c75.png

Location: Inside of Scorpion Pit Cave - Between the middle- and northeast entrance
Coordination: 3238, 10351

Look 'n' Dig

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Location: Lava Dragon Isle - West of Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: Northeast of ::44s - Runite Ores

Location: Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: Fountain of Rune - Annakarl Teleport and east (Ancient Spellbook)

Location: Entrance to Wilderness Agility Training Area

Location: Trees near mb stairs - ::mb and southwest

Location: Pirates' Hideout - West of ::mb

Emote Step

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Location: ::Cemetery and North
Items: Blade of Saeldor, Light Infinity Top, Light Infinity Bottoms and Archers Ring
Emote: Angry

Location: Lava Maze - ::44s and run towards KBD Cage
Items: Rapier and Tormented Bracelet (or)
Emote: Goblin Bow

Location: Demonic Ruins - Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook)
Items: Dragon Claws, Light Infinity Top and Light Infinity Bottoms
Emote: Lean On Air

Location: Fountain of Rune - Annakarl Teleport (Ancient Spellbook) and run east
Items: Thammoran's Sceptre and Blessed Spirit Shield
Emote: Zombie Walk

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course
Items: 3rd Age Range Top and Amulet of Fury (or)
Emote: Zombie Walk

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course
Items: Heavy Ballista, Occult Necklace and Guardian Boots
Emote: Slap Head

Location: Resource Area
Items: Ancestral Robe Top and Armadyl Godsword
Emote: Scared

Hot 'n' Cold Step

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Location: Near Demonic Gorillas, north of ::44simage.png.d07bf83f6d43dc857403ff8a765485c0.png

Location: Edge Lever

Location: Rogues' Castle, ::50s

Location: Lava Mountain, East of ::50s

Location: Resource Area

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course

Location: Deep Wilderness Agility Course






Note; you may add a { burning amulet } to the easy clue for the chaos temple teleport due you can rub it and teleport instantly to chaos temple... you're welcome

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