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Multi voting.

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10 minutes ago, Castial said:

Yeah, wanting to see somebody do what you'd rather want isn't a valid argument lol. Multi voting takes legit a lot of work hence time consuming, so many failed attempts, etc. It's extra votes for the server, boosts the eco. 


No support. 

Votes are 200 each, it takes 1 min to get 4 votes. 800 pkp a min = an entire day of killing spawnables. How is that fair?

Don't give the excuse the eco is too hard I will be forced to laugh at u

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1 minute ago, Kihfan55 said:

Votes are 200 each, it takes 1 min to get 4 votes. 800 pkp a min = an entire day of killing spawnables. How is that fair?

Don't give the excuse the eco is too hard I will be forced to laugh at u

Look, we've had multi voting for years, the way you put it niggas would be millionaires by now. Depends on the speed of the person, just took me 30-40 seconds for one vote ticket for all 5 sites. 


That's a strawman argument I said it boosts the eco not that it's hard, having extra vote tickets to sell or gamble away ain't shit. In fact having an attainable goal 500 for the rainbow phat, or titles incentives reasons to play.  

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6 minutes ago, Castial said:

Look, we've had multi voting for years, the way you put it niggas would be millionaires by now. Depends on the speed of the person, just took me 30-40 seconds for one vote ticket for all 5 sites. 


That's a strawman argument I said it boosts the eco not that it's hard, having extra vote tickets to sell or gamble away ain't shit. In fact having an attainable goal 500 for the rainbow phat, or titles incentives reasons to play.  

+1 to this

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7 minutes ago, Castial said:

Look, we've had multi voting for years, the way you put it niggas would be millionaires by now. Depends on the speed of the person, just took me 30-40 seconds for one vote ticket for all 5 sites. 


That's a strawman argument I said it boosts the eco not that it's hard, having extra vote tickets to sell or gamble away ain't shit. In fact having an attainable goal 500 for the rainbow phat, or titles incentives reasons to play.  

Nah my man, not a fair way to earn pkp at all. No other server is allowing it. That gives the server a bad name. Let them go do gorrilas or some shit.

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This is pretty dumb.  Votes are still very valuable for what they are, this essentially eliminates one of people's only way to compete in this server.  if you get 50 votes, you mite get 10k.  Getting 50 different unique ips to vote from isn't easy.   I don't even multi-vote, so please don't try me with any of that shit.


Saying you want to encourage PVM is absolutely retarded as I've tried every form of PVM and let me tell you, is PVM in Roatz terrible!

Anyone who think's you can multi vote once a minuet is absolutely retarded and has no idea how googles captcha systems work, or VPNs. 

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Walaikum Assalam, I cannot support this suggestion. I think multi-votes is pretty cool and the reason it's tolerated is because of the jump in rankings it provides. On this note, someone willing to tell me a good VPN they are currently using for this function, the one I've previously used was blocked by some toplist sites, leaving me unable to complete all the necessary votes to claim anything. Thanks

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This is a pretty tough topic that I am very divided on. While multi voting does bring down the cost of vote items and make the game very easy, it also helps the server significantly when trying to climb our way up on the RSPS top lists. 

Something I would like to see is more PvM/PvP content that would bring PKP into the game. As I am sure you are all aware, there are no reliable pvm methods for players to make a reasonable amount of PKP (other than jad). I think that after the new client is released, it would be really great to see new content that would steer players AWAY from multi voting, and focus more on taking advantage of all the game has to offer.

Perhaps we should wait until the new client is released to really buckle down and solve this issue. Things could change significantly after this new client is released!

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I see people dropping 250+ votes at a time.. Like, how is that not messing with the economy lmfao... Not only does it depreciate Vote items, but if they're claiming pkp items.. They're also making them easier to obtain.. Even the pkp points.. That's an extra 25,000 pkp points randomly generated and put into the server if opted for that option. Don't get me wrong votes are great for getting the server known, but at the cost of a already broken economy..  Also at saying its a broken economy, you can't deny its not.. Since when does items you have to pay real money for become less than items you get out of vote packages lmfao. IE > 200pkp for a phat, yet can receive 5-6 items more than 200pkpt out of a vote which was for free. 

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