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I quit


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Don't find the game enjoyable anymore, full of retards like Mr Taylor X,d, Mr Jake, Symphony and Kevin who can't pk for shit

+ I'm busy with school and I play Old school Runescape, no time for cancer pkz

Given away all my accounts

Goodluck on your server Gretar

Peace. :)

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i understand how u feel right now but if u quit then they hav beaten u dont giv up man ur better than them

trust me all u hav to do is ignore the bullshit hate and u can really enjoy roatz like me

1). The Roat Pkz community is cancerous.

2). The combat system is even worse.

They're all bad, I'm the best Pker Roat has ever had, no further reples, I'm gone.

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jag mena inte att jag var bäst på hybrid i servern

jag är bäst på något som actually tar skill, det är ju pure nh. :)

ummm u said that was ur HERO fancy boots lmfao

either way everyone can tell u started nhing on roatpkz (which u lost to me 4-1 yesterday but let me just sip this tea)... It's pretty obvious when u think it's skill when there's a massive delay that makes it easier for slow retards like urself to compete l0l

Edited by Kihfan55
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ummm u said that was ur HERO fancy boots lmfao

either way everyone can tell u started nhing on roatpkz (which u lost to me 4-1 yesterday but let me just sip this tea)... It's pretty obvious when u think it's skill when there's a massive delay that makes it easier for slow retards like urself to compete l0l

No. He's an old friend, I have known him for a long time.

I started nhing late 2011 (maybe October) and I didn't lose to you? it's 8-4 silly.

And, yeah there's a massive the delay, but if you say that nhing is more broken than hybridding then YES YOU'RE THE RETARD OF THE YEAR

+ how does hybridding take more skill anyway? you can stack 120's like nothing on osrs but in nhing u have something called "overheads". less chance to get stacked 60+ damage if you're using overheads ye? k ty

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I'm gonna stop logging in so when I run my mouth on the forums I don't have to log in and prove my shit talk LOL.

just 2 bad uve already been exposed :P 

"been exposed"? Please tell me how?

It's 8-4 you're cancerous! I'm abit concerned, are you sure that you're better than Yoobs? 

Your so called "hybrid skills", are worse than the combat system please take a seat, you're nothing but another qlfy fanboy

tell Taylor I said hi. :)

Guy went silent after Fancy Boots made him eat dirt lol

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"been exposed"? Please tell me how?

It's 8-4 you're cancerous! I'm abit concerned, are you sure that you're better than Yoobs? 

Your so called "hybrid skills", are worse than the combat system please take a seat, you're nothing but another qlfy fanboy

tell Taylor I said hi. :)

Guy went silent after Fancy Boots made him eat dirt lol

qlfy fanboy? LOL

1. That's my friend

2. I've hybrid with the exact same gear/style b4 07 existed/I met him ask any1 who played at that time

3. I don't even switch fast like him, my entire pking technique resolves around kills

4, U have no proof of being up on scores vs. anyone on this game and that's a fact. I, on the other hand, made a video as of 3 days ago embarrassing u at the only thing u took pride in

5. Keep lying. Uve been banished off this server, back to nhing on arteropk no namer

6. Why bring up people like qlfy and ur hero taylea, none of them even know who u r l0l

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qlfy fanboy? LOL

1. That's my friend

2. I've hybrid with the exact same gear/style b4 07 existed/I met him ask any1 who played at that time

3. I don't even switch fast like him, my entire pking technique resolves around kills

4, U have no proof of being up on scores vs. anyone on this game and that's a fact. I, on the other hand, made a video as of 3 days ago embarrassing u at the only thing u took pride in

5. Keep lying. Uve been banished off this server, back to nhing on arteropk no namer

6. Why bring up people like qlfy and ur hero taylea, none of them even know who u r l0l

I do have proof, you're a sore loser. I've posted the pictures multitude of times.

Also, I quit this because of how cancerous the combat system is, similar to your "bridding sklls".


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Not going to until you admit that it's 8-4, you've already seen them, half of the server has what's the deal? Are you embarrassed? And actually yes it does hurt. I'm done with you, smarten up idiot. Come back to me when you're atleast decent.

"I'm not going to show proof it's 8-4 until you blindly admit that it's 8-4 with no proof" lmfao idiot irl

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