Diiaurei Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 (edited) Make Slayer a skill again! This could help boost activity in PvM places like ::easts and ::wests to kill green dragons and open up the entire map for people to pvm in. This could help to introduce new players into a different way of gaining some fast PKP while not being too overpowered. For example to make it easy, you could place all monsters in the wildy, so teams would have to to a more varied amounts of places. If slayer was reintroduced as it used to be, you could add a safe place for donators or super donators to enter, being a slayer cave of some sort, giving more things for donators to do on the useless dzone Ring of Flying The ring of flying is currently only 100 PKP and is rarely bought or sold. You could get more players to buy the ring of flying by allowing a better look to it, for example: You can add a staff (Such as a Staff of the Dead, Trident or even Staff of Air) to the ring, to be able to wear a staff while flying The staff would no longer have its magic bonuses and players would have to pay an extra 1-5K pkp in order to bind the staff to the ring, making a money sink while making the ring of flying a cooler item to have. This is only an example, there are probably plenty better ways to do it but that's the way I've thought of it. Teleport to the Chaos Elemental Unless there is a unknown teleport I don't know of, there should be a ::chaosele command or ::cele command allowing the player to teleport right here https://gyazo.com/cbffff5d98e61f0b531a94c6a810de28 The Mage Arena & Imbued Mages' Capes Make the mage arena multi but only to players, to allow PKing at the mage arena, as you can sit there for over 40 hours without being touched by a player. Also, force the player to buy the crystal before having to kill the demons, otherwise it is way to easy to get the capes. Make the Max Cape (1K Kills) viable to use You should make the max cape viable to use, making it slightly better than the donator cape and worse than the infernal cape, only by maybe +1 strength and the same stats as donator cape as we've all gotten to the grind of 1K kills and then been highly disappointed to find we'll never use the cape because it's useless, and doesn't even look good. Fix the graphics on the Deadly Slayer Cape The wings go through the slayer cape, making it look really unprofessional and bad. Also, the cape doesn't even work like a cape and more of a wooden board. Price-check guide Make the ::prices updated more often, possibly ran by a staff member who is reliable, or a player who is reliable. Edgeville Targets Allow Edgeville pkers to at least be able to toggle targets above 1-4 wilderness on and off, since nobody tier pks above level 5. Or force every pker in level 1-4 wilderness to get ONLY pkers in 1-4 wilderness. Either all of that, which is probably the most preferable method or create a "tele-to" bounty hunter teleport to teleport to your target. Above all, you should NEVER get a target who is already in a fight. All of these are extremely frustrating after skipping 7 targets in deep wildy and having to wait half an hour to have to skip another 7, wasting our times when we could be pking. Buff the Abyssal Dagger spec Make the abby dagger spec more viable by either taking it to a 35% spec decrease or making it more accurate with a strength bonus, currently it is rather weak (Making video on it) Add the Daggonoth King's Add the kings and remove the DWH from the Chaos Elemental's drop table, replacing the DWH with the abyssal bludgeon and dagger - making the dagger and bludgeon easier to get and allowing more people to buy, sell and use it. More pets will be also in the game if you can add the kings. Ring of Wealth and Ring of Wealth (Lucky) Make a ring of wealth with (X) amounts of uses, with a small - (as in 1-5%) increase With the ring of wealth (lucky) make the (lucky) version have infinite number of uses and have double the percentage increase of the ring of wealth. To get the ring of wealth, make it 200 bhp per ring in order to get the ring of wealth lucky, make it 1x Ring of Wealth/Ring of Suffering + 5K PKP/BHP or 2.5K-5K Mage Arena Points Making it mage arena points, will help players who want to grind for an item have a good chance of success Making it a Ring of Suffering will help increase the prices of the currently useless ring of suffering. Allow both of the rings to be tradable. (The ROWL will obviously be a higher price than the ROW) Pricechecker - By Fantastic Cx A pricechecker system that allows you to search an item, and view the recent trades that has been made, with the item. Ex. Search - "Armadyl Godsword" and it would show a list of trades with each person's offer. This could be useful to estimate an Item's value, instead of having to ask around every time. Duel Arena - by Alinoor102 To stop scams occurring so often, delay the "accept" so players are forced to look over the rules before heading into the duel arena (5 second delay will help immensely!) Light Ballista Remove it or buff it, honestly. It's too frustrating getting 2 of them at demonics. Stake Tournament - Twumble 100% luck tournament No food, nothing. Normal whip/dds staking rules only. Normal tournament payouts Benefits - Fast and little skill involved, allows anyone to get the reward in the end if they're lucky enough Cons - Free pkp but that can be fixed by involving a 100 PKP payment into it (as if it were the lottery) All pkp is added up and put into a pot at the end, luckiest player wins. "Fix lag" - Watagwan Sometimes, when you click food, potion or attempt to one tick or swap items. It doesn't eat or swap. Please fix. Ava's Assembler - Superdrol Add an Ava's Assembler, dropped by a hard multi boss, for example dropped by Jad or by Skotizo or to be dropped rare on the dzone island - again, allows more people to be using the dzone and more people to want to donate/buy the donate ticket. Should have the same stats as OSRS Fix Ranging on Pures - SharkEater35 The bolt paths infront of the enemy visually instead of on him Accuracy is strange while PK'ing on a pure. Too many 0's and lower hits vs 1 Defence Pures. Character Symbols Make the "<" and "/" usable ingame... <3 Toxic Blowpipe - Mmn Toxic Blowpipe with Zulrah boss added, for yet another pet and another way to get the Serpentine Visage. Dropparty Room - Keven Move, or add another party room to be the Falador Party room, allowing putting into a chest and dropping through balloons, this used to be really fun back in the old times. Bank Updates - Sa1nt Being able to press "ESC" on your keyboard to quit easily and fast out of the bank Having a placeholder for the bank and also bank tabs would allow for banks to look nicer and easier to use Server Economy Wipe - Sa1nt Allow new players to get some bank with the old ones again! A server economy wipe (At least hold a vote to wipe the server, 2 players own eco) GE-Like place - Big Og Daddy A GE-Like place, or "trading post" where you can search for an item and check its lowest price sold by a user and is able to sell overnight Possibly some kind of VAT on items after buying, making a small PKP sink ALONG WITH THIS Fantastic Cx - A price checker system that allows you to search an item and view the recent trades that has been made for that item. E.G - Search - "Armadyl Godsword" and it would show you a list of trades with each persons offer. This could be used to find an estimate of an item's value, instead of bothering staff and asking yell, reducing spam, etc. PJ and Veng timers in fights - Nateyboe Adding a PJ timer after you kill a player prevents annoying after-kill rushes at edgeville so often Vengeance timers at the bottom right of your screen telling you how many seconds you have left until you can veng again Gate Spamming - Ihyn Gate spamming is really annoying, not enabling the player to walk past when someone is spamming the gate, preventing them to pass through. It should not be this bad. 1K Kill Zone - Swagcat A 1k+ kill zone for players with above 1K kills to go, it could be like the dzone without the monsters or a pking zone, etc. purely for 1k + kils Morrigan's Javelins - Twumble Like the dragon thrownaxes, to be bought 25-50 bhp each, a good spec and a good main weapon for range users Alksor - Everyone on Roat PKZ Remove him from the staff team immediately. He's useless. (This is a joke, please don't actually remove him) ps. if you do, pm me immediately so I can laugh at him. pss. thanks. -------------------------------------------------- All other player suggestions have been credited, but their ideas have been manipulated by me to the way I thought of them, I apologise if you meant something else, but if you need me to edit something, I will immediately! Put down below if anything should be edited, removed and why - I'd love to see your opinions! youtube.com/c/LokiWoof Edited February 25, 2018 by Fantastic More suggestions 3 Quote Link to comment
Same Sea Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 i like the alkosor suggestion 1 Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 24, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 @Alkosor Quote Link to comment
Umut Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 I'm not playing anymore so I can't judge, but what I read about... @Alkosor is a bad SS? Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 24, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 Just now, Umut said: I'm not playing anymore so I can't judge, but what I read about... @Alkosor is a bad SS? He's a friend of mine. It's a joke... I think... Quote Link to comment
Alkosor Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 (edited) I'm impressed, you did a great job. +1 To Most Ring of suffering will have a use, especially when Zulrahs released. Recoils could be made unspawnable (1Pkt) and break after 40 Hits. Economy Resets are risky, especially if there are a lot of players. I would be upset if I lost all of my items, I'm sure others would agree. Why u gotta slander me like that dee urrii, y u gotta do that 2 me whay u gotta snake me lik that, u python Edited February 24, 2018 by Alkosor Quote Link to comment
l DONT NOW Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 ”Pvm places like easts and wests” 😑 Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 24, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 2 minutes ago, l DONT NOW said: ”Pvm places like easts and wests” 😑 Pfft.. shh 4 minutes ago, Alkosor said: I'm impressed, you did a great job. +1 To Most Ring of suffering will have a use, especially when Zulrahs released. Recoils could be made unspawnable (1Pkt) and break after 40 Hits. Economy Resets are risky, especially if there are a lot of players. I would be upset if I lost all of my items, I'm sure others would agree. Why u gotta slander me like that dee urrii, y u gotta do that 2 me whay u gotta snake me lik that, u python Thanks dude! Quote Link to comment
Hortos Portos Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 I think the entire list is a great idea, but It would be better if they keep dwh drop on chaos. also let d kings have the dwh drop too when it hopefully gets released. They should put a Cerberus Boss, Boots can be low drop rate, but cerb pet and dinh's bulwhark should have a very high drop rate. It would be cool if the ring of flying would be gloves or a shield. Other than that I have no concerns. Let's all hope these updates get put in the game. Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 24, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 2 minutes ago, Hortos Portos said: I think the entire list is a great idea, but It would be better if they keep dwh drop on chaos. also let d kings have the dwh drop too when it hopefully gets released. They should put a Cerberus Boss, Boots can be low drop rate, but cerb pet and dinh's bulwhark should have a very high drop rate. It would be cool if the ring of flying would be gloves or a shield. Other than that I have no concerns. Let's all hope these updates get put in the game. Thanks! I prefer being able to have a staff as a flying item or have it as an actual ring! Quote Link to comment
Yoobs da king Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 Server Economy Wipe - Sa1nt Allow new players to get some bank with the old ones again! A server economy wipe (At least hold a vote to wipe the server, 2 players own eco) WE ALREADY GOT ADMINS AND HAD PREVIOUS ADMINS WHO GO ON ALTS TO STAKE AND ::KICK PLAYERS DURING STAKES SO THEY "DC" RESULTING IN CLEANING ECO A BIT SO I SAY FUCKING SEND IT IM ALL FOR AN ECO RESET AS LONG AS WE GET TO KEEP ARE SLEDS AND DRAGON CANES. 1K Kill Zone - Swagcat A 1k+ kill zone for players with above 1K kills to go, it could be like the dzone without the monsters or a pking zone, etc. purely for 1k + kils WE HAVE A ZONE THAT COMES WITH 1K KILLS BUT WE NEED GRETAR TO STOP MAKING NEW SHIT AND START WORKING ON SHIT WE ALREADY HAVE.. "Make the Max Cape (1K Kills) viable to use You should make the max cape viable to use, making it slightly better than the donator cape and worse than the infernal cape, only by maybe +1 strength and the same stats as donator cape as we've all gotten to the grind of 1K kills and then been highly disappointed to find we'll never use the cape because it's useless, and doesn't even look good." AGREED MAX CAPE, AND PKERS CAPE BEFORE THAT ALWAYS BEEN CANCER... Dropparty Room - Keven Move, or add another party room to be the Falador Party room, allowing putting into a chest and dropping through balloons, this used to be really fun back in the old times. SUPPORT, MY 1.3K PING CANT COMPETE VS NORMAL DROP PARTIES. Bank Updates - Sa1nt Being able to press "ESC" on your keyboard to quit easily and fast out of the bank Having a placeholder for the bank and also bank tabs would allow for banks to look nicer and easier to use ALSO SUPPORT BUT TABS WERE REQUESTED AGES AGO AND STILL NOTHING -- ALSO MAKE IT SO WHEN YOU RIGHT CLICK UR REV CAVE TELES AND CLICK 40 CAVE YOU DONT HAVE TO CLICK IT AGAIN IN CHAT BOX GETS FUCKING ANNOYING... Alksor - Everyone on Roat PKZ Remove him from the staff team immediately. He's useless. REMOVE JBLIND, SMACKD, GRERAT FROM SERVER FIRST, THEN ADDITIONAL STAFF CHANGES CAN BE MADE IN THE FUTURE. Light Ballista Remove it or buff it, honestly. It's too frustrating getting 2 of them at demonics. PEOPLE USE LIGHT BALLISTA FOR LIKE 10 MINS AND JUDGE IT BASED ON WHAT THEY HIT WITH IT IN 10 MINS I HAVE SEEN PLAYERS GET JAD KILLS WITH LIGHT AND 4 OTHER MFERS HAD HEAVY BALLISTAS. Duel Arena - by Alinoor102 To stop scams occurring so often, delay the "accept" so players are forced to look over the rules before heading into the duel arena (5 second delay will help immensely!) HONESTLY RULE CHANGING IS NOT SCAMMING... EVERYONE ON THIS SERVER HAS FORGOTTEN THE MEANING OF "SCAM" TO SCAM SOMEONE YOU MUST INTENTIONALLY FUCK SOMEONE OVER BY AGREEING TO A SET OF RULES AND THEN GOING BACK ON THEM. IF YOU SAY "DDS 10K" YOU DID NOT SAY YOU WANTED FOOD OFF OR ON THIS ALSO GOES FOR OTHER DUEL RULES. BESIDES THE WAY I SEE IT, IF YOU ARE SO BLINDLY WILLING TO SPAM CLICK THE FUCK OUT OF ACCEPT AND A RULE CHANGE OCCURS THEN YOU ARE AT FAULT FOR NOTHING MORE THAN UR OWN STUPIDITY WHICH IS WHY I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW PLAYERS HAVE BEEN PUNISHED ALREADY FOR CHANGING RULES AT DUEL CONSIDERING GRETAR SAID ITS NOT AGAINST RULES HOWEVER SWAPPING OUT VOTES FOR PKT WHICH IS THE GO TO ARAB STRATEGY RIGHT NOW YOU DUEL SOMENOE PUT UP X AMOUNT OF VOTES DECLINE SAY "OOPS I LAGGED MB" (KAPPA) THEN CHUCK IN = AMOUNT OF PKT MATCHING AMOUNT OF VOTES YOU PUT IN LAST TIME. WHICH IN ALL HONESTY SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHABLE EITHER CONSIDERING WHAT I SAID PREVIOUSLY IF UR DUMB ENOUGH TO SPAM ACCEPT THEN YOU DESERVE TO BE GOT... Additional idea: FUCKING GRETAR BRING BACK ::POKE YOU REMOVED NO REASON IT WAS ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD BENEFITS PLAYERS HAD IN THIS DAMN GAME. Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 24, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 1 minute ago, Yoobs da king said: Server Economy Wipe - Sa1nt Allow new players to get some bank with the old ones again! A server economy wipe (At least hold a vote to wipe the server, 2 players own eco) WE ALREADY GOT ADMINS AND HAD PREVIOUS ADMINS WHO GO ON ALTS TO STAKE AND ::KICK PLAYERS DURING STAKES SO THEY "DC" RESULTING IN CLEANING ECO A BIT SO I SAY FUCKING SEND IT IM ALL FOR AN ECO RESET AS LONG AS WE GET TO KEEP ARE SLEDS AND DRAGON CANES. 1K Kill Zone - Swagcat A 1k+ kill zone for players with above 1K kills to go, it could be like the dzone without the monsters or a pking zone, etc. purely for 1k + kils WE HAVE A ZONE THAT COMES WITH 1K KILLS BUT WE NEED GRETAR TO STOP MAKING NEW SHIT AND START WORKING ON SHIT WE ALREADY HAVE.. "Make the Max Cape (1K Kills) viable to use You should make the max cape viable to use, making it slightly better than the donator cape and worse than the infernal cape, only by maybe +1 strength and the same stats as donator cape as we've all gotten to the grind of 1K kills and then been highly disappointed to find we'll never use the cape because it's useless, and doesn't even look good." AGREED MAX CAPE, AND PKERS CAPE BEFORE THAT ALWAYS BEEN CANCER... Dropparty Room - Keven Move, or add another party room to be the Falador Party room, allowing putting into a chest and dropping through balloons, this used to be really fun back in the old times. SUPPORT, MY 1.3K PING CANT COMPETE VS NORMAL DROP PARTIES. Bank Updates - Sa1nt Being able to press "ESC" on your keyboard to quit easily and fast out of the bank Having a placeholder for the bank and also bank tabs would allow for banks to look nicer and easier to use ALSO SUPPORT BUT TABS WERE REQUESTED AGES AGO AND STILL NOTHING -- ALSO MAKE IT SO WHEN YOU RIGHT CLICK UR REV CAVE TELES AND CLICK 40 CAVE YOU DONT HAVE TO CLICK IT AGAIN IN CHAT BOX GETS FUCKING ANNOYING... Alksor - Everyone on Roat PKZ Remove him from the staff team immediately. He's useless. REMOVE JBLIND, SMACKD, GRERAT FROM SERVER FIRST, THEN ADDITIONAL STAFF CHANGES CAN BE MADE IN THE FUTURE. Light Ballista Remove it or buff it, honestly. It's too frustrating getting 2 of them at demonics. PEOPLE USE LIGHT BALLISTA FOR LIKE 10 MINS AND JUDGE IT BASED ON WHAT THEY HIT WITH IT IN 10 MINS I HAVE SEEN PLAYERS GET JAD KILLS WITH LIGHT AND 4 OTHER MFERS HAD HEAVY BALLISTAS. Duel Arena - by Alinoor102 To stop scams occurring so often, delay the "accept" so players are forced to look over the rules before heading into the duel arena (5 second delay will help immensely!) HONESTLY RULE CHANGING IS NOT SCAMMING... EVERYONE ON THIS SERVER HAS FORGOTTEN THE MEANING OF "SCAM" TO SCAM SOMEONE YOU MUST INTENTIONALLY FUCK SOMEONE OVER BY AGREEING TO A SET OF RULES AND THEN GOING BACK ON THEM. IF YOU SAY "DDS 10K" YOU DID NOT SAY YOU WANTED FOOD OFF OR ON THIS ALSO GOES FOR OTHER DUEL RULES. BESIDES THE WAY I SEE IT, IF YOU ARE SO BLINDLY WILLING TO SPAM CLICK THE FUCK OUT OF ACCEPT AND A RULE CHANGE OCCURS THEN YOU ARE AT FAULT FOR NOTHING MORE THAN UR OWN STUPIDITY WHICH IS WHY I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW PLAYERS HAVE BEEN PUNISHED ALREADY FOR CHANGING RULES AT DUEL CONSIDERING GRETAR SAID ITS NOT AGAINST RULES HOWEVER SWAPPING OUT VOTES FOR PKT WHICH IS THE GO TO ARAB STRATEGY RIGHT NOW YOU DUEL SOMENOE PUT UP X AMOUNT OF VOTES DECLINE SAY "OOPS I LAGGED MB" (KAPPA) THEN CHUCK IN = AMOUNT OF PKT MATCHING AMOUNT OF VOTES YOU PUT IN LAST TIME. WHICH IN ALL HONESTY SHOULD NOT BE PUNISHABLE EITHER CONSIDERING WHAT I SAID PREVIOUSLY IF UR DUMB ENOUGH TO SPAM ACCEPT THEN YOU DESERVE TO BE GOT... Additional idea: FUCKING GRETAR BRING BACK ::POKE YOU REMOVED NO REASON IT WAS ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD BENEFITS PLAYERS HAD IN THIS DAMN GAME. Can't agree more with the last one. If anything is to be put in out of this list is ::poke! Quote Link to comment
Tupac Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 50 minutes ago, Diiaurei said: Make Slayer a skill again! This could help boost activity in PvM places like ::easts and ::wests to kill green dragons and open up the entire map for people to pvm in. This could help to introduce new players into a different way of gaining some fast PKP while not being too overpowered. For example to make it easy, you could place all monsters in the wildy, so teams would have to to a more varied amounts of places. If slayer was reintroduced as it used to be, you could add a safe place for donators or super donators to enter, being a slayer cave of some sort, giving more things for donators to do on the useless dzone Fine with this. Ring of Flying The ring of flying is currently only 100 PKP and is rarely bought or sold. You could get more players to buy the ring of flying by allowing a better look to it, for example: You can add a staff (Such as a Staff of the Dead, Trident or even Staff of Air) to the ring, to be able to wear a staff while flying The staff would no longer have its magic bonuses and players would have to pay an extra 1-5K pkp in order to bind the staff to the ring, making a money sink while making the ring of flying a cooler item to have. This is only an example, there are probably plenty better ways to do it but that's the way I've thought of it. I really like this idea, very creative. Teleport to the Chaos Elemental Unless there is a unknown teleport I don't know of, there should be a ::chaosele command or ::cele command allowing the player to teleport right here Don't see any point in doing that. Doesn't give pvmers a chance to escape either, if some pkers want to take them out. https://gyazo.com/cbffff5d98e61f0b531a94c6a810de28 The Mage Arena & Imbued Mages' Capes Make the mage arena multi but only to players, to allow PKing at the mage arena, as you can sit there for over 40 hours without being touched by a player. Also, force the player to buy the crystal before having to kill the demons, otherwise it is way to easy to get the capes. I don't think it should be multi because it would be fucking chaotic with 50 wizard npcs on you at once, but I definitely think it should be similar to Skotizo where, although it is a singles area, the NPC attacking you does not count towards singles pvp combat (you can still be attacked). Make the Max Cape (1K Kills) viable to use You should make the max cape viable to use, making it slightly better than the donator cape and worse than the infernal cape, only by maybe +1 strength and the same stats as donator cape as we've all gotten to the grind of 1K kills and then been highly disappointed to find we'll never use the cape because it's useless, and doesn't even look good. Donator cape should be removed. Max cape should have the same bonuses as OSRS. Would look like shit if people were bridding in max capes Fix the graphics on the Deadly Slayer Cape The wings go through the slayer cape, making it look really unprofessional and bad. Also, the cape doesn't even work like a cape and more of a wooden board. I think this item should be wiped and re-introduced as a rarer item. 700pkp = junk. Also needs to be recoded, yh. Price-check guide Make the ::prices updated more often, possibly ran by a staff member who is reliable, or a player who is reliable. @Fantastic Edgeville Targets Allow Edgeville pkers to at least be able to toggle targets above 1-4 wilderness on and off, since nobody tier pks above level 5. Or force every pker in level 1-4 wilderness to get ONLY pkers in 1-4 wilderness. Either all of that, which is probably the most preferable method or create a "tele-to" bounty hunter teleport to teleport to your target. Above all, you should NEVER get a target who is already in a fight. All of these are extremely frustrating after skipping 7 targets in deep wildy and having to wait half an hour to have to skip another 7, wasting our times when we could be pking. Agree Buff the Abyssal Dagger spec Make the abby dagger spec more viable by either taking it to a 35% spec decrease or making it more accurate with a strength bonus, currently it is rather weak (Making video on it) Agree on buff, disagree with 35% Add the Daggonoth King's Add the kings and remove the DWH from the Chaos Elemental's drop table, replacing the DWH with the abyssal bludgeon and dagger - making the dagger and bludgeon easier to get and allowing more people to buy, sell and use it. More pets will be also in the game if you can add the kings. Agree i guess dont rly care Ring of Wealth and Ring of Wealth (Lucky) Make a ring of wealth with (X) amounts of uses, with a small - (as in 1-5%) increase With the ring of wealth (lucky) make the (lucky) version have infinite number of uses and have double the percentage increase of the ring of wealth. To get the ring of wealth, make it 200 bhp per ring in order to get the ring of wealth lucky, make it 1x Ring of Wealth/Ring of Suffering + 5K PKP/BHP or 2.5K-5K Mage Arena Points Making it mage arena points, will help players who want to grind for an item have a good chance of success Making it a Ring of Suffering will help increase the prices of the currently useless ring of suffering. Allow both of the rings to be tradable. (The ROWL will obviously be a higher price than the ROW) I think you mean ROW (i). No one in their right mind will kill 2,500 mages for a 5k item Pricechecker A pricechecker system that allows you to search an item, and view the recent trades that has been made, with the item. Ex. Search - "Armadyl Godsword" and it would show a list of trades with each person's offer. This could be useful to estimate an Item's value, instead of having to ask around every time. Agree, but would nullify your previous statement about ::prices lol Duel Arena - by Alinoor102 To stop scams occurring so often, delay the "accept" so players are forced to look over the rules before heading into the duel arena (5 second delay will help immensely!) Should be just like OSRS, easy fix. Light Ballista Remove it or buff it, honestly. It's too frustrating getting 2 of them at demonics. Disagree, it's part of the game. Stake Tournament - Twumble 100% luck tournament No food, nothing. Normal whip/dds staking rules only. Normal tournament payouts Benefits - Fast and little skill involved, allows anyone to get the reward in the end if they're lucky enough Cons - Free pkp but that can be fixed by involving a 100 PKP payment into it (as if it were the lottery) All pkp is added up and put into a pot at the end, luckiest player wins. This would be the most autistic tournament of all time. Goes against any pkp sink unfortunately "Fix lag" - Watagwan Sometimes, when you click food, potion or attempt to one tick or swap items. It doesn't eat or swap. Please fix. Never heard of the game not eating when you click food. A gyazo would be helpful Ava's Assembler - Superdrol Add an Ava's Assembler, dropped by a hard multi boss, for example dropped by Jad or by Skotizo or to be dropped rare on the dzone island - again, allows more people to be using the dzone and more people to want to donate/buy the donate ticket. Should have the same stats as OSRS 100% support. Should be kept on death since it's untradable Fix Ranging on Pures - SharkEater35 The bolt paths infront of the enemy visually instead of on him Accuracy is strange while PK'ing on a pure. Too many 0's and lower hits vs 1 Defence Pures. Whatever makes the pures happy. That community is dead atm so a boost would be nice Character Symbols Make the "<" and "/" usable ingame... <3 100% support Toxic Blowpipe - Mmn Toxic Blowpipe with Zulrah boss added, for yet another pet and another way to get the Serpentine Visage. Don't care about zulrah but support for BP. Mutagen prices would crash heavily though if they were introduced as a drop Dropparty Room - Keven Move, or add another party room to be the Falador Party room, allowing putting into a chest and dropping through balloons, this used to be really fun back in the old times. This should not be a priority but could be implemented down the road. Bank Updates - Sa1nt Being able to press "ESC" on your keyboard to quit easily and fast out of the bank Having a placeholder for the bank and also bank tabs would allow for banks to look nicer and easier to use This is already done just needs to be implemented. Server Economy Wipe - Sa1nt Allow new players to get some bank with the old ones again! A server economy wipe (At least hold a vote to wipe the server, 2 players own eco) This will never happen. GE-Like place - Big Og Daddy A GE-Like place, or "trading post" where you can search for an item and check its lowest price sold by a user and is able to sell overnight Possibly some kind of VAT on items after buying, making a small PKP sink No support for a trading post ALONG WITH THIS Fantastic Cx - A price checker system that allows you to search an item and view the recent trades that has been made for that item. E.G - Search - "Armadyl Godsword" and it would show you a list of trades with each persons offer. This could be used to find an estimate of an item's value, instead of bothering staff and asking yell, reducing spam, etc. You already suggested this. Also asking for help isn't spam PJ and Veng timers in fights - Nateyboe Adding a PJ timer after you kill a player prevents annoying after-kill rushes at edgeville so often Vengeance timers at the bottom right of your screen telling you how many seconds you have left until you can veng again Should be the same as OSRS. Veng timer is absolutely needed. Gate Spamming - Ihyn Gate spamming is really annoying, not enabling the player to walk past when someone is spamming the gate, preventing them to pass through. It should not be this bad. Should be just like OSRS. 1K Kill Zone - Swagcat A 1k+ kill zone for players with above 1K kills to go, it could be like the dzone without the monsters or a pking zone, etc. purely for 1k + kils Used to be a thing (masterzone). Should not be a priority at the moment but could be looked into. Overall, your suggestions were pretty good. @Gretar 1 Quote Link to comment
Tesfxye Posted February 24, 2018 Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 A lot of these are pretty bad suggestions imo 1 Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 24, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 24, 2018 Reasons? @Tesfxye Quote Link to comment
Mike Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 Good effort dude, glad to see there are still players who think of these kind of suggestions. Support Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 1 minute ago, Mike said: Good effort dude, glad to see there are still players who think of these kind of suggestions. Support Thanks man! If you've any other suggestions I'll add them! Quote Link to comment
k0ntv0cht Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 Was too long didnt read but suppot! Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 Just now, k0ntv0cht said: Was too long didnt read but suppot! I'll take it! A TLDR for you - suggestions. put in game, get better game kthxbye Quote Link to comment
Its Gorillas Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 (edited) Slayer has been suggested before Ring of flying should probs just be removed if its causing issues Chaos ele shouldn’t have a free teleport to it. Its a boss in deep wildy, it should be dangerous to get there, otherwise there is no incentive to Wilderness activity and pking. Obelisk updated and the Annarkl teleport are already accesibale and reasonable enough alternative methods to get there besides running from the lever. Better way to make Mage Arena a PK zone would be to just make the NPC’s non-aggressive but to maintain it as a singles zone. This means people are more likely to PK there in risk as its not multi combat. It also hinders a multi clan from camping it and making it completely impossible to do anything there. It just means you can’t afk as you can still be PK’ed. The max definately should have a use but I don’t agree with giving it those stats Agree on adding more bosses but only if you can find a way of implementing them to increase PK’ing activity. No point having bosses in safe zones that take away all activity on a PK’ing server Pricechecker search probably wouldn’t work in the sense you suggested, as that would include anomalies such as people lending items to their friends etc. Easier option would be to keep ::prices updated and add a ::market teleport. Keep the light ballista with the stats it has an OSRS. Its an alternative wep for ppl who can’t use or afford a heavy, and can be of use for different cmb styles, such as pures. ’Fixing lag’ is probably a personal issue. Should check if the cause is due to themselves. I would understand the suggestion if it was to change and improve the OSRS item switching Ava’s and TBP have been suggested b4 alongside other so far unintroduced items. Just down to Gretar to see if he wants to put them in anytime soon. Ye put party in a working Fally party room Gate spamming is a mechanic of the game. However, it should be fixed to how it is on OSRS with all used gates in the Wilderness. There used to be a 1K+ kills zone called the Masterzone, but it was never finished in design. There are other priorities at the moment There is no need for Morrigan Javelins imo. We don’t have items that have been in OSRS for years yet, such as the TBP. No joke, some of the staff need to be considered as strongly as the prices of items do. Both a joke @JBLIND p.s https://forum.roatpkz.com/index.php?/topic/15497-ingame-suggestions/ Edited February 25, 2018 by Its Gorillas Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 1 hour ago, Its Gorillas said: Slayer has been suggested before Ring of flying should probs just be removed if its causing issues Chaos ele shouldn’t have a free teleport to it. Its a boss in deep wildy, it should be dangerous to get there, otherwise there is no incentive to Wilderness activity and pking. Obelisk updated and the Annarkl teleport are already accesibale and reasonable enough alternative methods to get there besides running from the lever. Better way to make Mage Arena a PK zone would be to just make the NPC’s non-aggressive but to maintain it as a singles zone. This means people are more likely to PK there in risk as its not multi combat. It also hinders a multi clan from camping it and making it completely impossible to do anything there. It just means you can’t afk as you can still be PK’ed. The max definately should have a use but I don’t agree with giving it those stats Agree on adding more bosses but only if you can find a way of implementing them to increase PK’ing activity. No point having bosses in safe zones that take away all activity on a PK’ing server Pricechecker search probably wouldn’t work in the sense you suggested, as that would include anomalies such as people lending items to their friends etc. Easier option would be to keep ::prices updated and add a ::market teleport. Keep the light ballista with the stats it has an OSRS. Its an alternative wep for ppl who can’t use or afford a heavy, and can be of use for different cmb styles, such as pures. ’Fixing lag’ is probably a personal issue. Should check if the cause is due to themselves. I would understand the suggestion if it was to change and improve the OSRS item switching Ava’s and TBP have been suggested b4 alongside other so far unintroduced items. Just down to Gretar to see if he wants to put them in anytime soon. Ye put party in a working Fally party room Gate spamming is a mechanic of the game. However, it should be fixed to how it is on OSRS with all used gates in the Wilderness. There used to be a 1K+ kills zone called the Masterzone, but it was never finished in design. There are other priorities at the moment There is no need for Morrigan Javelins imo. We don’t have items that have been in OSRS for years yet, such as the TBP. No joke, some of the staff need to be considered as strongly as the prices of items do. Both a joke @JBLIND Priority isn't a problem. General concepts after all. I do really want to see the ring of flying though Quote Link to comment
JBLIND Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 3 hours ago, k0ntv0cht said: Was too long didnt read but suppot! Why are you staff Quote Link to comment
Bind U Dead Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 Great effort man, well done! Quote Link to comment
noobyguy Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 The one that stands out to me the most is the Bounty Hunter idea. You are right, nobody goes for tiers past level 4 wildy, and the teams never opt out of BH in deep wildy. Quote Link to comment
k0ntv0cht Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 6 hours ago, JBLIND said: Why are you staff Because roatpkz is my server u dumb ill demote you Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 5 hours ago, noobyguy said: The one that stands out to me the most is the Bounty Hunter idea. You are right, nobody goes for tiers past level 4 wildy, and the teams never opt out of BH in deep wildy. That one needs to happen the most! 8 hours ago, Bind U Dead said: Great effort man, well done! Thanks! It wasn't just me though 1 Quote Link to comment
Persona Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 Make Slayer a skill again! ok Ring of Flying fighting people that have ring of flying on will be really annoying and this is a really useless idea, keep the item the same as it is. Teleport to the Chaos Elemental no, you can already teleport to it from ::44s or run from lever. why would u make a teleport in 50 wildy and multi The Mage Arena & Imbued Mages' Capes keep the mage arena the same as it is, if you sit there for 7 hours the most loot u will get is around 10k anyway, find another way to rejuvenate it, imbued mage capes are fine and the retard arab community won't like when u make stuff harder Make the Max Cape (1K Kills) viable to use use a fire cape and keep this cape cosmetic Fix the graphics on the Deadly Slayer Cape whatever Price-check guide there is a price check system in game in the equipment tab, might aswell delete thread and regularly update the prices in game Edgeville Targets keep it like it is in every other game, it's not a big problem Buff the Abyssal Dagger spec no, it's fine how it is. dds is better anyway Add the Daggonoth King's no, already have enough pvm in this game Ring of Wealth and Ring of Wealth (Lucky) no, you have drop rate increases by voting and donator ranks Duel Arena - by Alinoor102 update the duel arena layout Light Ballista it's fine and cheap Stake Tournament - Twumble really stupid idea which takes the skill out of a tournament "Fix lag" - Watagwan it does, stop complaining about the lag which is ur problem Ava's Assembler - Superdrol find another way to make this dropped Fix Ranging on Pures - SharkEater35 its rng, why are you complaining Character Symbols ok Toxic Blowpipe - Mmn ok Dropparty Room - Keven no, ::party is good Bank Updates - Sa1nt yea Server Economy Wipe - Sa1nt no, eco is fine GE-Like place - Big Og Daddy ::cw PJ and Veng timers in fights - Nateyboe wont happen smackd said Gate Spamming - Ihyn theres not problem and u can pass through the gates if ur smart lol, another pvmer complaining coz he cant tank 44s 1K Kill Zone - Swagcat why? just chill somewhere else Morrigan's Javelins - Twumble too overpowered Quote Link to comment
Diiaurei Posted February 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 2 minutes ago, Persona said: Make Slayer a skill again! ok Ring of Flying fighting people that have ring of flying on will be really annoying and this is a really useless idea, keep the item the same as it is. Teleport to the Chaos Elemental no, you can already teleport to it from ::44s or run from lever. why would u make a teleport in 50 wildy and multi The Mage Arena & Imbued Mages' Capes keep the mage arena the same as it is, if you sit there for 7 hours the most loot u will get is around 10k anyway, find another way to rejuvenate it, imbued mage capes are fine and the retard arab community won't like when u make stuff harder Make the Max Cape (1K Kills) viable to use use a fire cape and keep this cape cosmetic Fix the graphics on the Deadly Slayer Cape whatever Price-check guide there is a price check system in game in the equipment tab, might aswell delete thread and regularly update the prices in game Edgeville Targets keep it like it is in every other game, it's not a big problem Buff the Abyssal Dagger spec no, it's fine how it is. dds is better anyway Add the Daggonoth King's no, already have enough pvm in this game Ring of Wealth and Ring of Wealth (Lucky) no, you have drop rate increases by voting and donator ranks Duel Arena - by Alinoor102 update the duel arena layout Light Ballista it's fine and cheap Stake Tournament - Twumble really stupid idea which takes the skill out of a tournament "Fix lag" - Watagwan it does, stop complaining about the lag which is ur problem Ava's Assembler - Superdrol find another way to make this dropped Fix Ranging on Pures - SharkEater35 its rng, why are you complaining Character Symbols ok Toxic Blowpipe - Mmn ok Dropparty Room - Keven no, ::party is good Bank Updates - Sa1nt yea Server Economy Wipe - Sa1nt no, eco is fine GE-Like place - Big Og Daddy ::cw PJ and Veng timers in fights - Nateyboe wont happen smackd said Gate Spamming - Ihyn theres not problem and u can pass through the gates if ur smart lol, another pvmer complaining coz he cant tank 44s 1K Kill Zone - Swagcat why? just chill somewhere else Morrigan's Javelins - Twumble too overpowered Thank you! Quote Link to comment
Elizathepat (2) Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 Agreed with the Alkosor one Quote Link to comment
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