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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, its the one and only Ban152, the pas 8 years of roatpkz was a dope journey, the best game i ever played, shit got the addiction ngl, been pleasure to be a part of the server during these years, other thatn that was a good experience being a part of the staff team, thanks for every hour of pking to my ogs aka spartans you guys will be still the best clan ever i believe, we were dominating, so you guys will do without me... Its hard to say but its the end of my journey on Roat Pkz, i will log aometimes just to see hows it going, also might embarass nh plank at brid zone as usually 😂 well speaking of last events, ive been back for a while, and there was some good and some bad days, thats the life huh, well today i've done some db stuff while pking at deep wildy, went invisible in combat to be exact, but that stuff had a reason behind it, i don't really mind sharing tbat with you, i had a call during the fight, whitch was from my beatiful mother, she is sick rn, the voice of her was shaky, had no clue whats going on so i decided to go invisible and i left home in like 15mins, once i open my mother home door i see her lying on ground, she might've passed out or something, she doesnt remember what happened though, so ye thats basically it, why i stepped out as a staff member again, hope you do well, im kinda glad and sad at the same time, cause i can focus on irl more now, but roatpkz has taken a big chunk of my lifetime and had me in for these years. Okay enough of talk have fun and stay blessed everyone, peace out - Ban152 #Spartans
    6 points
  2. why does it seem all staff members that are under the category of admin, appear to be the biggest flakes and pussies. don't pipe up to me if you don't like my responses. if you cant handle the heat don't be staff. forever fan of jblind smackd fantastic and king arturia you are okay in my books
    4 points
  3. https://gyazo.com/e6db4127ab6fdb99060f6f87ddaee806 How my team turns L's into W's made 1k profit off that kill smd bitch LOOOOL Just like that lmfao your favourite pkers 4 all u clout chasers
    2 points
  4. Demotion was definitely not deserved, seen staff members do 10x worse in the past and get away with it Reason was also justified, hope your mum gets better bro take it easy
    2 points
  5. Sad story bro I hope your mother is OK, of course real life is priority but I still don't count that as a valid excuse. If that were me I would for sure rush off and leave my acc to die, is only pixels... good luck and all the best. Still should play I think
    2 points
  6. I hope your moms okay dude, I am curious as to why you stayed on, and continued to pm others instead of flying through the door. None the less, you were a cool mod, still a cool dude.
    2 points
  7. You’re as uneducated as that other retard @Tesfxye. Don’t need another kid speaking at me wrong. Know your place ms
    2 points
  8. Shut the fuck up brother
    2 points
  9. Sad to see you go mate, hope your mother was ok. The reason why you was actually demoted was because yes you went invisible at 44’s whilst you was Tb’d but you also continued to be active in-game by messaging other players. It doesn’t add up that your mum called you and required immediate assistance that you’d stay on roat after going invisible and going to Portals. nonethelsss, take care with everything bud
    2 points
  10. This guide is aimed for players who are strugglin with how to set a email! 1.1 How i make a email? If you got already a email skip to part 2.1 https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/gmail/about/ Click create an account. 1.2. Create your email with your own details and click next. 1.3. Optional to add phone and recover email adress after done click next. 1.4. Accept the privacy and terms, create account then confirm. 2.1 When you already got a email just ::setemail (your email) 2.2 You will receive a email 2.3 click on the link to verify your email 2.4 You will receive a new email with your security code from now your account is highly protected of hackers. Why would i set a email with a security code on my account? This will secure your account on your own computer. What if i get hacked and all my pkp getting stolen? If you got no email-set with a security code and all your pk points got stolen there will be no refund!!! I´m working on this guide in Arabic, if you need any help or if you got any questions you can reach me ingame; Paramingo or on discord Dinazz#7114
    1 point
  11. been along time since i made a max kp topic but i finally got enough kps,had many close kills but havent had the rng old nh tank once had.stackin aka oso2real dead by jukemeluke yikes....? iv had alot of deep wildy kills for semi max pking with nexus just havent been fked or thought its worth adding to the topic nor some hybrid kills which ill save for another topic maybe.but ye enjoy
    1 point
  12. You're a sweetheart always supporting ❤️❤️
    1 point
  13. Lmfao if this isn't facts idk what is
    1 point
  14. seems cool welcome auggie! just to make sure your in our discord pm me p ix e l s#4951
    1 point
  15. I'm a very humble person. Also forgot to say before but what Jblind said is true. I'm one of the people Ban152 sent PM to, and it was several mins after it happened. He didn't mention any emergency at all (even if he didn't want to share private info could have said "IRL business gtg, explain later" and immediately logged but didn't).
    1 point
  16. Loc your pride? Ban152 doesn’t die that easy cuz
    1 point
  17. Im surprised you can get a chub after your dad hit you with his truck and paralyzed you
    1 point
  18. Hope things okay with ur mum n that obvs. still feel u did the wrong thing, surely a roat pkz death doesn’t mean that much to somebody?? especially when u got things to focus ur attention on like ur mum’s health tho? feel like it wld of been better to not abuse powers, take the death. Its what a regular player wld have been forced to do. then this topic wouldn’t be a farewell but instead an explanation about the circumstances Btw this got to me Shame u didn’t shout out persona for showing u the ways outside ::meth in SG This also wouldn’t have been an issue
    1 point
  19. LMFAO yeah your definitely not quitting because your embarrassed of what happen at 44s 🤪🤡 sucks to see this guy on suicide watch irl being forced to quit his favorite game over not being able to tank a tb at 44s 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
    1 point
  20. Ignore them... don’t respond to both of those idiots.. just tryna bring you down.. 😒
    1 point
  21. Yes I will add the clan chat ignore thing.
    1 point
  22. Tag me in some cosplay shit again and I wipe u off the face of this planet u mother fucker
    1 point
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