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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2019 in Posts

  1. Roat Pkz Promotions! Hey everyone, after going over 100 Server Support applications we have narrowed them down to 11 players. I know this is a lot more staff than we've ever had but I do think we need it, with roat pkz growing and new players joining we always need some players to help them out. Why did you pick these players? All of these players are on track to reach 100+ hours non-afk in February in playtime and ranked the lowest on our toxicity scale. They also had very minor or no previous punishments. They also had good playtime in the past 2-3 months. Wow great, will Roat Pkz now be a censored server? No friends, talking shit and flaming is still allowed, server supports will only temporary mute you if you threaten to ddos someone or if you leak personal information. The Server Support rank is intended to help players, they will only use their powers when no staff are online to take action. Promotions Rag Bot V1 - has been promoted to Moderator Kyle Zell - has been promoted to Server Support PM2GETBODIED - has been promoted to Server Support King Arturia - has been promoted to Server Support Sandal - has been promoted to Server Support 4funplayer - has been promoted to Server Support Death Dream - has been promoted to Server Support PK4LIFELT - has been promoted to Server Support Paramingo - has been promoted to Server Support Noisy boy - has been promoted to Server Support Jackthat12 - has been promoted to Server Support W00t W 0 0 t - has been promoted to Server Support If you do think any server support is abusing their powers or wrongfully punishing someone, please message me on here! Thanks and more to come (looking forward to next staff feedback)!
    7 points
  2. Hello everyone! due to many people telling me how making money seems impossible without hooks/gambling, i decided to make a fresh account with nothing on it. and see how much i could make in a week, and with this hopefully help others who are struggling with money making to learn a few pointers. I will have a few restrictions set on the account however. 1. No trading over from my main/friends 2. No Lottery/Staking/Gambling 3. I Can only use 2 vote bonuses in 24hours (updated) I Shall post The updates on my progress once a day. Hopefully this can help some of the newer players get into the game! After the week is done and i have my results, i'll make a guide based on this weeks events.
    5 points
  3. good cop @Ban152 bad cop @Smackd
    4 points
  4. today i log in and see all these new ss keep comming online and flexing me on me. okay i see how it is gretar is scared im going to replace hes doggys jblind and smackd so he doesnt give me ss. ok but real talk. i saw fkin "pk4lifelt" with ss who the fuck is he????????? guy probably doesnt even have forums account L0L
    4 points
  5. gz khalil and death dream u 2 deserved it i believe. rest of u gl im watching u all
    3 points
  6. Wild is already dead let alone adding more worlds, not needed unless we ever hit 800-1000 imo which is unlikely
    3 points
  7. f3 btw... must have dust bunnies on them. Thanks btw #mongolians
    2 points
  8. looking bad for Nexus Spartans always #1
    2 points
  9. first of all i want to cheer for @Khalil second of all congrats for everyone else promoted ! hope you do well
    2 points
  10. I'm giving away 500k PKP to 5 WINNERS! To enter you must: Like the video Comment your IGN on the VIDEO Subscribe to my channel Turn my post notifactions to 'on'
    2 points
  11. I personally don't think we need it, IMO we can have 2x the current online players and be OK. Sure when new content is added, there is always initial hype surrounding it and that place becomes a hotspot, happened for Wildy key, Slayer, Demonics, etc etc. During that time it looks like the amount of NPC won't be enough but eventually people move on and the activity in those places stabilises to accommodate enough players. And if there's not, well players can fight over them and call back up. It adds healthy competition. I know what you're going for, and it's a good thought, but it will just spread the playerbase too thin and we want high wilderness/PKing activity as possible.
    2 points
  12. with the growing activities that 'regular rs' has like slayer and in the future, other skills. i think there should be more worlds. more worlds would benefit the server by allowing you to hop worlds if the place where your slayer monsters are crowded. i think this would be an amazing addition to roatpkz but if its not possible, its not possible.
    1 point
  13. Thanks for all the comments and feedback on the last video! Tbh i'm sure most of you will this your stereotypical boring "key opening" video however still thought id share it for those who'd like to do the maths.. @Isaiah Congratulations to the winners! Still waiting to catch the 3rd winner online! Let's do another 1-28 for you guys just Subscribe and Comment on Youtube to be entered!
    1 point
  14. haha, id rather be glad that you did do it with me, then we have more material/evidence for people to encourage them! if you do decide to do a week, we can compile our data together and make a guide for the new players after we done. @Fruitiest
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Lets Hope we can live up to your expectations.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. He made u think you’d think you had a chance so you’d help out and be good for the server but he was never gonna give u it ☕️☕️☕️
    1 point
  19. ok so gretar just said if u have 100+ hours playtime a month u can get ss. if ur lower u have no chances. he just promoted some random dude that just edge pks probably and has 220+ hour playtime last month but whole yell chat went "?????????????????????' cuz no1 has a fkin idea who he is. he said me playtime is 4-5hours a month like how???? i play this game daily ATLEAST 2 HOURS A DAY when its probably way more then that. when i asked how that playtime system work he said he cant say thats a secret. if im too arabic. or i lame ot much. or cuz im addicted to staking just say so. dont lie about me "4-5 hours a month playtime" cuz that just makes me laugh
    1 point
  20. i can make over 1m pkpt in a week if u give me enough pkpt before the week ends
    1 point
  21. I feel the same way, ty for your bank btw
    1 point
  22. No, i will not be an ironman. i can use the trading post/sell items to other players. but i wont look for crazy discounts or anything. example -> If i want an ACB instead of paying 2.5k in the store ill buy it for 2k from other players/from the Trading post.
    1 point
  23. Mongolians 1-0 on frontline
    1 point
  24. dang dude so many vids hm is gretar paying?
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I might’ve used too good of grammar and it may have confused him... sorry in advance @JBLIND
    1 point
  27. I didn’t even read your response because it would be a waste of time. Going through my profile and rereading this post, I read your reply to me. I didn’t ask for more than one payment, I just asked for it to be paid to my pkp balance, instead of my bank because I got too much pkt for me to notice. Thank you for spending the time to read my banter back to you. Maybe this time, you’ll read it correctly so you can reply correctly.
    1 point
  28. Team name = Liquidations Team mate = Dr4g0n Sp34r
    1 point
  29. Just adding these to add salt to jtir's day kill pic1 kill pic2 kill pic3 kill pic4
    1 point
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